Sunday, May 31, 2020

Kembara Mendapatkan PhD

Ada nasihat, panduan dan nota di Tinta Minda untuk yang ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat PhD.
Perkongsian yang baik dan ilmu yang bermanafaat. Secara ringkasnya, langkah pertama adalah MEMBACA. 

Beasiswa Penuh Dari Pemerintah Malaysia Untuk S2 & S3 Tahun 2015 ...Pic. Sunyi. Sepi. Di Hujung ada Hiruk Pikuk Kehidupan.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

One Bond At a Time

I borrow the title of one article written in 2017 'Saving the world, one bond at a time' by EuroMoney. The article refers to how World Bank, using capital market instrument of bond, mobilise assistance to prevent Ebola outbreak in Africa. Quite heavy reading, but a necessary historical lessons to tackle COVID-19.

Here are the link to a few other related and interesting articles on supranational issuing pandemic bonds. The fact is that bond are complicated and not many will care or understand how they operate. But it is necessary at the macro level to set the wheel of economics moving again. For those who are interested, please read. As for me, the more I read, the less I understood. But I will keep reading. Hope you will do so as well. One day, we will understand. 

Bonds are the bellwether of the economy. 


Imagine The Coca-Cola Company wanted to borrow $10 billion from investors to acquire a large tea company in Asia. It believes the market will allow it to set the coupon rate at 2.5% for its desired maturity date, which is 10 years in the future. It issues each bond at a par value of $1,000 and promises to pay pro-rata interest semi-annually. Through an investment bank, it approaches investors who invest in the bonds. In this case, Coke needs to sell 10 million bonds at $1,000 each to raise its desired $10 billion before paying the fees it would incur. 

Each $1,000 bond is going to receive $25.00 per year in interest. Since the interest payment is semi-annual, it is going to arrive at $12.50 every six months. If all goes well, at the end of 10 
years, the original $1,000 will be returned on the maturity date and the bond will cease to exist.

Pic. Motivation for today.

Friday, May 29, 2020

First Among Equals

The race for international currency reserves continues. 
The current international currencies for reserves, according to this article, are USD, Japanese Yen, Euro and Chinese Yuan. First among Equals is USD. Of course, China is vying for the spot.

I summarise the key points of the article on reasons why China will be the premier international reserves currencies in the near future:

1. eRMB Chinese Digital currency will have access to continents where USD may be less popular.
2. 5G technology of China will determine international ICT standard and IoT.
3. Digitization of China currency will overcome its economic fundamentals and trust issues.

According to the author, these are the trends worth observing. The keyword is 'China.'
Daniel H. Pink Quote: “In many professions, what used to matter ...Pic. First among Equals is the Right Brain.
First Among Equals | KSA IntegrationPic. First Among Equals Methapor
Engineering Quality Quotes. QuotesGramPic. Blogging.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Latest Post on Sukuk

Finally, latest write-up on Sukuk here.

The final sentence of the article:
'Once the coronavirus crisis starts to settle, the opportunity for sukuk over the horizon is still positive.'
I am relief.

Pic. Look at 2021 outlook. Hope Sukuk will be sustainable. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Islamic Economic Responses to COVID-19

I am trying to collect information on Islamic economics responses to COVID-19 from various sources, especially on the monetary and fiscal policy responses.
I came across a few. You can add in the comment section below if you have suggestions.

RAM website - on Sukuk.
IsDB website - mostly on financial aids distributed to members.
Salaam Gateways - critical comments.
MENA Thomson Reuters - mostly on outlook and present investment opportunities. 
SESRICTurkey - COVID-19 Pandemic Database for 56 OIC countries.The Dashboard is useful.

Will add the information from time to time. 

Working at Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training ...Pic. SESRIC, Ankara.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Slow and Fragmented Economic Recovery for Saudi Arabia

In 2018, I wrote a short article on Saudi Arabia Vision 2030. At that time, the economic planning was plausible given the supporting global environment. However, the tumbling oil prices, geopolitical instability, slow growth of China and Japan and COVID-19 have shifted the balance. 
The article here on Saudi Arabia current challenges is a good read. I reproduced the eight key factors below.

Current Scenario in Saudi Arabia:
1. Falling oil prices.
2. GDP slowdown in China (China is Saudi's largest export market).
3. Cost of war in Yemen.
4. Stimulus packages of COVID-19
5. Multi-trillion Riyal Vision 2030 that has to be scaled down.
6. Cutting down of US shale oil industry because of falling oil prices.
7. Ability and capacity of major global economies (USA, China, Japan etc.) to recover from COVID-19. 
8. The impact of all the above factors to Saudi's budget deficit.

Coronavirus News: Saudi Arabia Races to Contain Epidemic in Mecca ...Pic. The Kaabah. COVID-19 Lockdown.

Saudi Arabia's 300 MW Sakaka solar plant comes online – pv ...Pic. Saudi Arabia Solar Power Project

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Drama Series Money Heist (La Casa de Papel)

The Spanish drama Series La Casa de Papel (The House of Paper) won the International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series in 2018.  Part 1 was released in 2017. Series 5 & 6 are available on Netflix this year. One review has 5,000+ comments, most are praises AND Bella Ciao (refer my previous post for the song). The Drama is Spanish, the song Bella Ciao is Italian and the comments are mostly English. To be fair, there are some critics as well, mostly on the irony that the viewers tend to support the robbers and violence. Each character is unique in his/her own vices. Kind of Maleficent effect - a shred of kindness in the world of evil, yet people are attracted to that kindness. Miss the jungle for the tree. Anyway, I was also hoping to get a glimpse of the state of Denver, Colorado. Not the character Denver's laugh a a a a a

Here is the synopsis of Money Heist:
'An unusual group of robbers attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in Spanish history - stealing 2.4 billion euros from the Royal Mint of Spain.'

You think there is no real life Central Bank Heist? There are at least 11 different types of robberies in the world, mostly remain unsolved untill now. You can watch the video below (11 minutes). I am not promoting heist. Just admiring the scriptwriter/creator of Money Heist's Alex Pena that captures global interest. Wish I could write like that. Even the mask design was carefully selected from the Spanish painter Salvador Dali. Every little thing is well-researched and has a meaning behind it. That is probably his ingredient for success. Imagination + Facts + Creativity + Perseverance. RESEARCH.

Money Heist' Part 5 Release Date: Why Fans Should Expect a Big ...Pic. Money Heist Series 5. King Arthur and His Knights Simile?

Pic. 7 Real Life Money Heist. They miss Denver Heist.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pesan Datuk Dr Zurinah Hassan. National Laureate (Sasterawan Negara)

An excerpt from SN Datuk Dr . Zurinah Hassan in Tinta Minda Section, BERNAMA below. Beliau membesar di Tikam Batu, Kedah rupanya...

What I like most from the article is 'Setiap manusia perlu berkomunikasi dan alat komunikasi terpenting ialah bahasa.'

"Kembangkan kreativiti

Jangan bimbang walaupun pasaran buku sedang terjejas. Kemahiran menulis tetap diperlukan. Setiap manusia perlu berkomunikasi dan alat komunikasi terpenting ialah bahasa.

Betapa canggih pun peralatan dan bertenaganya kuasa rangkaian, jika tersalah memilih perkataan akan membawa padah. E-mel dan segala media sosial hanya merupakan perantaraan. Maklumat mesti disampaikan dengan bahasa yang tersusun. Minda haruslah mengaturnya terlebih dahulu sebelum jari-jari bergerak laju.

Syarikat syarikat gergasi memerlukan kemahiran menulis dan menyebar iklan. Dunia hiburan berkembang di dalam talian, mengambil alih siaran daripada stesen televisyen konvensional.

Pelbagai filem, animasi, dokumentari dapat dinikmati di skrin peranti. Tetapi, semua itu bermula dengan penulisan skrip yang memerlukan bakat dan kreativiti.

Kemahiran menulis tetap diperlukan. Bakat dan kreativiti tidak mungkin ditukar ganti dengan sebarang mesin automasi.

Ini kerana karya sastera dapat membentuk jiwa dan membina peradaban bangsa."


Datuk Dr Zurinah Hassan merupakan penerima Anugerah Sastera Negara 2015. Beliau adalah wanita pertama Malaysia menerima anugerah itu yang membawa gelaran Sasterawan Negara.

ITBM on Twitter: "Puisi "Jerebu" nukilan Sasterawan Negara Dato ...Pic. Puisi Jerebu

Sasterawan Negara dalam animasi Upin Ipin – Kuali HitamPic. SN dalam Animasi Upin Ipin

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Evolution of Eid al-Fitr Greeting Cards

Festival of Breaking the Fast for 1441H or falls on Sunday, May 24, 2020. You must have received tons of well-wishes. Seen the form and substance of the cards change over time?
What is your favourite? What do you think the card will look like in 5 years time?
I have seen card taken from drone. Personalized card. Vlog card. Gif card. Cartoon image. 
Future might be AI. My best bet is Hologram. Jawi scripts is a must. 
Don't forget the Sampul Raya. Will it be Digital Money? 
Any ideas?

This simple looking card has beautiful Hari Raya greetings in cursive Jawi script.Pic. The Card in 1960. Jawi scripts
Pic. Memory. 
Festivals in SingaporePic. You think inserting your pic in the card is innovative? :(

Friday, May 22, 2020

Pasta vs Rice in Italy & Bella Ciao

I was looking for an article on "The Economics of Eid-Fitri.' Come across articles mostly originate in Indonesia.  Due to MCO, the authorities in Indonesia are concerned that not enough supply of staple food would become a problem during the celebration day. It is the same demand and supply problem. 
While searching for news closer to home, I come across another recent post in May that is an eye-opener. Rice is replacing pasta in Italy. Do you know that Italy is producing half of the supply of rice in Europe, and it plans to export the so-called 'high quality of rice' to China? The post quipped "It is a bit like selling ice-cream to the Eskimos." Well, the rice is used for making risotto. It makes sense. Wake up Malaysians. Huge opportunity here. 

Italian rice puts pasta in the shade during pandemicPic. Rice plantation near Robbio, Lombardy, Italy. 

There is more to the story of the paddy field in Lombardy. Bella ciao (Goodbye Beautiful) ciao ciao ciao
There is a song in 1920s. Of the Partisan. Resistance. Anthem. Nationalism. Patriotism. All the 'ism.' Orange is the new black.

Here a bit of history I collected from the comments of youtubers on the Song. History is important.

1906: First publication of the melody, of a protest folk song that originated in the hardships of the mondina women, the paddy field workers in the late 19th century who sang it to protest against harsh working conditions in the paddy fields in the italian province Terra d'Aqua near Bologna. [Wiki] 
1943: The song was modified and adopted as an anthem of the anti-fascist resistance (Resistenza) by the Italian partisans in 1943, after the german invasion in response to the deposition of Mussolini. Italy was a fascistic ruled country from 1922-1943. [Wiki]

1939: Original song for the italian anti-facist resistance 
2018: Le Casa de Papel theme. 
2020: Official song for italian anti-corona-virus resistance
The song was also featured in the Series "Money Heist" 2018. Bella ciao gains popularity worldwide.

I include the video of the song below. Partly because I grow up in the paddy field. Have done the hard work with my super-strong charismatic mother, mostly accompanied her in the field. 
You will love the Song - I promise. You will hear the word 'Bella ciao' ringing in your ears. A song of loveand pain. After I heard the first rendition (the black and white version), I listened to another 10 different versions. Still love the one posted here. Maybe because of my mother. The sentiment of growing up around paddy field. O Allah, Grant my Mother Husnul Khatimah...

Bella Ciao - Italian lyrics

Una mattina mi son alzato
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Una mattina mi son alzato
E ho trovato l'invasor

O partigiano, portami via
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
O partigiano, portami via
Ché mi sento di morir

E se io muoio da partigiano
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
E se io muoio da partigiano
Tu mi devi seppellir

E seppellire lassù in montagna
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
E seppellire lassù in montagna
Sotto l'ombra di un bel fior

E le genti che passeranno
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
E le genti che passeranno
Mi diranno «che bel fior.»

Questo è il fiore del partigiano
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Questo è il fiore del partigiano
Morto per la libertà

Bella Ciao - English version

One morning I awakened
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
One morning I awakened
And I found the invader

Oh partisan carry me away
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
Oh partisan carry me away
Because I feel death approaching

And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Then you must bury me

Bury me up in the mountain
(And you have to bury me)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
Bury me up in the mountain
(And you have to bury me)
Under the shade of a beautiful flower

And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! Bye! Bye!
And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Will tell me: "what a beautiful flower"
(And they will say: "what a beautiful flower")

This is the flower of the partisan

(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful! 
Bye! Bye!
This is the flower of the partisan

(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Who died for freedom

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ant Financial

I do think the big successful companies in China are quite creative in naming and branding their products. The name selected are sometimes paradoxical yet has global implication. Take 'Ant Financial' for example.  Ali Baba, TenCent, Huawei (Wei as in Hello when you pick up a call?) and many others.
I have been trying to read about Ant Financial for quite sometime. Here is the link

Ant Financial targets enterprise blockchain - Ledger Insights ...Pic. The Logo. 

Rise of Ant Financial, will the success story continue? - Blogs ...Pic. Look at how good they are at planning long term. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

China's Digital Currency DCEP (Digital Currency Electronic Payment)

The IMF Blog's 4 Q&A on Central Bank's Digital Currency. If you are looking for a quick answer for the policy debate, you can read this. I do think in certain parts, the analysis is lopsided, but it does provide a basic understanding. 
I would also recommend Michael's Boxmining site, which does a pretty decent job in comparing DCEP, Libra, Bitcoin and Cash. Read the comments also. DCEP will be the Game Changer ( I love this word. First came across the phrase at SESRIC, Ankara in 2013). Here are some of the creative comments: DCEPtion? Inception? DCEPticoin? One person even ask for a Newsletter. 
Another thing I notice is the lack of Islamic perpsective on the issue. Or maybe I didn't hit the right keywords. If you know of any Islamic economics website explaining DCEP, please let me know.
Happy reading. Ramadhan Kareem and Happy Eid Mubarak 1441H. May Allah swt Grant us Husnul Khatimah.

Pic. DCEP vs Libra vs Bitcoin. Take you pick.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Doodle Arabic Letters

If you like Doodling, you probably want to try something new. Doodle Arabic letters. You can go to the following freepik site. Most of the images are not free. But at least you can browse for ideas. There are thousands of them. The images are modern and slick.

You can also be a contributor and earn money on your contributions. Interesting concept. An example of digital economy. Maybe you can be the next Sugu Pavithra, :)

Pic. Creative Images. There are many more at freepix. 
Pic. Some of the Drawings

Monday, May 18, 2020

Huawei MateBook X Pro vs Apple MacBook Pro

Thinking of buying a new Laptop?
You can read the review here. I need to digest the technical information. But really, despite not having Google Apps, Huawei MateBook is tempting. The review says: 'It lacks the elegance and finesse of Apple.' 
You be the judge. 

Price? RM7,999

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Monetary and Financial Stability During COVID-19

March article from IMF Blog on the Economics of Coronavirus. The new crisis requires new solutions. 
The mantra is: “Hoping for the best, Preparing for the worst”

Here is the link.

Pic. From IMF Blog

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Puisi dan Cerpen

I try to write poem and short story.
The problem is, I only manage to get past few pages only. Then the story line went dead.
Maybe this time I should try to complete a story and submit it somewhere.
I am enrolling in the online Short Story course. Let see if I can complete the Assignment.

Below is the narration of a poem I wrote last year. My good friend recite it. I only knew about it through another friend. You can search for the video Instagram USIM Instagram. The poem was inspired by the song 'Anta Permana.'

math handsPic. Maths Hand. I was looking for Infinity, actually. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Islamic Monetary & Fiscal Policy Responses

Interested in the early Islamic monetary and fiscal policy responses to the crisis?
Planning to read this book. 

The Economic and Cultural Situation of the Arabian Peninsula prior to IslamPic. The book. 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Short Article in Alumni AID Menulis - News Online

Finally. My short article 'Kebiasaan Baharu PKP' in the AID Online News. You can read it here.

AID Conference has organised many online activities for the members. One of them is Seminar Series, each will earn you a Certificate upon completing the given task. Today's Seminar is a short pre-recorded video by Dr. Ismail Abdullah on creative writing. In the video, he shared the practices of Holden and Somersett Maughum.  I remembered writing about Somersett in my secondary school. The comment of the Bahasa Melayu Teacher was: 'the content is not relevant.'  Until today, I still remember Somersett's kite story. Now that I am older, I saw the beauty of the story. What an analogy.

Below is the Video from Dr. Ismail Abdullah. 16 minutes of worthy experience. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Muamalat Newsletter, Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, USIM

The Muamalat Newsletter was first published in 2003. 17 years ago. Now, the Newsletter is published online with two volumes per year - June and December. All articles are welcome. You can write on any topic. I just received one contribution from the very first Managing Editor of the Newsletter. Alright, I invited him, :))
I also plan to have a special issue on Sukuk in August. Please contribute your ideas and thoughts.

For the previous online edition, you can go to the Faculty's website here

Pic. Call for Articles. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Virus, Volatility and Oil Prices

Good inforgraphic analysis on the global pandemic up to first week of April by S&P Global Ratings. If the information is overwhelming, scroll to the Economics section. It is worth reading.
The global economy is expected to tide over by next year. The recovery process is u-shaped, as deep as 1997 Financial Crisis and 2008 GFC, but the recovery process is quicker. The Stimulus package undertaken by the governments will be the barometer on how quickly the economy will recover. Hopefully, COVID-19 will end soon. 

Monday, May 11, 2020

BERNAMA Section on Tinta Minda and Thoughts

BERNAMA has started an interesting trend. Two new sections written by academicians named Tinta Minda (Bahasa Melayu) and Thoughts (English). It is easier to browse through the articles and pick the one that interest you the most. The topics are quite diverse. It is a short 2-3 minutes reading per article. Enough to be an ice-breaker for online class sessions. Read here. Don't forget to submit your articles as well. I will. Hopefully, it will get published.

Tinta Minda Front Page

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sukuk as Safe Haven Instrument to Battle COVID-19

Finally. An article on Sukuk by RAM.  Sukuk have the potential to be used as monetary and fiscal tools in battling COVID-19. Here is the article.

Here is a spot on article from S&P. An excerpt below:

"Innovation and Green Sukuk Will Take A Back Seat

The momentum in using blockchain for sukuk and issuing green sukuk will likely slow this year. We were expecting these two areas to play a significant role in opening up the sukuk market. However, the current economic shock and volatility in capital markets mean that issuers will probably no longer view them as a priority. We believe that, once the dust settles, green sukuk and issuance of sukuk using blockchain technology will be two major accelerators for the industry.

We are also of the view that the current health crisis could act as a catalyst for the issuance of social sukuk or a new breed of instruments, for example, one on which the rate of return would decline if the issuer fulfills certain social objectives, such as supporting the healthcare system or helping companies affected by COVID-19 so they don't need to lay off staff. We also see an opportunity for the reemergence of certain strong Islamic instruments, such as Zakat and Waqf, which could again play a role in reducing the impact on the most vulnerable segments of the population or poor countries. This would not only be in line with the ultimate goals of Sharia but also create a new growth channel for the industry."

imagePic. Market is volatile. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sukuk Fait Accompli

It has been quite some time since I last wrote on my fav topic of Sukuk.  At the beginning of coronavirus pandemic, European government was proposing Pandemic bond. Somehow the Pandemic bond issuance was dwarfed by the falling oil prices and the digital currency of Renminbi. Perhaps I didn't catch the news.
Anyway, here is an article on Sukuk. The article summarises the global shocks as follows:

"... many jurisdictions are facing an unprecedented combination of challenges, including health issues, reduced oil revenues, economic disruption, severe financial market dislocation and changes in liquidity and investor sentiment."

Sukuk market is almost at standstill during March 2020, due to the same reasons. However, the market is expected to pick-up post-COVID19 due to financial stimulus packages undertaken by many governments.

There is also a short mentioned of LIBOR and SOFR. I wish the article elaborate more on the issue. I wrote on this issue in iECONS2019 Conference. I  include here some visuals on latest trends. There are many more available. Graphics are the language of the netizens. It is amazing how Big Data nowcasting information. Reading is the key.

New sukuk issuance is expected to rise: Fitch - Saudi GazettePic. Sukuk Currency Issuance. My Fav Topic. USD is still King. Maybe Sukuk should try eRMB?

Credit Rating Agency | BIXPic. FitchRating History. MARC and RAM can catch up, hopefully. Be the valuation center.

Sukuk, coronavirus, stimulus, deficits: How the sharia-compliant ...Pic.  Latest Sukuk Profile

This Is Where The World Is On The "Corona Curve" At This Moment: Over The  Hump | Zero HedgePic. Can't Resist the Bell-Curve Creative Explanation.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Still on Digital Currency

Excerpt from the article explaining the difference between Bitcoins and Digital Currency. Predicted that China would issue the first Digital currency. 

"China is the biggest threat to the current world of money, as it plans to launch its Digital Yuan in 2020. Bloomberg stated that the crypto yuan, which may be on offer in 2020, will be fully backed by the central bank of the world's second-largest economy, drawing its value from the Chinese state's ability to impose taxes in perpetuity. Other national authorities are bound to embrace this powerful idea.

The shifting tide begs the question of what will happen to all other currencies if China and other nations begin to switch over to digital money? Will economics change, will trade wars increase and cause deeper rifts of the divide between nations? In the quest for power and control who are the losers? How will the U.S. respond, what do smaller countries do in the wake of imminent uncertainty? There are many unanswered questions, but the fundamentals remain. The world is so interconnected and dependent on trade that there has to be negotiation on all fronts."

Further reading here. I am researching connections between digital currency and national currencies and found a few interesting articles. Based on one of the articles, there are at least three debates on digital money:

(1)  Digital money and the Blockchain will alter payments; 
(2)  Bitcoin is one more economic bubble; 
(3)  Digital money is counted as an asset. 

The Wall Street Journal says Central Bank-controlled digital currency would be costly and less efficient and invade on individual privacy by tracking the dollar spend.

Is a Cashless Society the New Reality? | ToptalPic. Which country is ready to go cashless?

Thursday, May 7, 2020

More on Digital Currency

Libra Digital Coin of Facebook vs Yuan Sovereign Digital Currency.  China has been researching digital currency since 2014.
This is an excerpt from the article discussing the situation:

The People’s Bank of China has also said an official digital currency will safeguard foreign exchange sovereignty and boost global use of the yuan. The yuan makes up just 2 percent of global payments and reserves. Last year, nearly 90 percent of international transactions were in U.S. dollars, and about 60 percent of all foreign exchange reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars, allowing the U.S. power over the global financial system and muscle to enforce sanctions.

DC/EP’s goal is to replace some of the cash in circulation Jiang, Central Bank of China (0176), marked as public domainPic. Central Bank of China

Facebook announces Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra digital wallet ...Pic. Libra Eco-System

Facebook, Libra, and the Long Game – Stratechery by Ben ThompsonPic. The Game

Renminbi vs USD

Do you think RMB is going to replace USD in the near future?  Unlikely, says Forbes.  Since 2018, you can trace the article in Forbes discussing this issue. I think RMB will be at least as strong as USD, if not stronger. Time will tell.
What are the facts that back-up Forbes' argument? Excerpt from the article:

"Within the IMF Basket, China’s RMB represents 10% now. The dollar is still king at 41.7%, followed by the euro at 30.93%."

Yuan Recovers vs USD Following China Trade War White PaperPic. USD vs. RMB

RMB to USD Converter - May 06, 2020Pic. Exchange rates

UK Flag 3D Man Character Pushing EU Flag Euro Symbol 3D ...Pic. Creative 3D Image. Brexit?

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Land of Rising Gig Workers

App-Mediated and Robotic Driven Work in Gig Economy. More news and awareness on the importance of gig economy. Especially as a source of new income generation for the government. Taxation, especially.
It would be interesting to see the development of 'giggers' in Japan - the land of the rising gig workers.  For a country that values lifetime employment, Japan will set the standard for the freelancers. 17 percent of the population is in the freelance trade. An interesting 3-minutes read Blog here, covering short gig cases in different countries. Easy to read with up-to-date data. You can read it here.

Japan-gig economy-zoho workerlyPic. Japan and Giggers

Earning Income on the Side Is a Large and Growing Slice of ...Pic. Preference for Gig Jobs

Monday, May 4, 2020

Backcasting, Nowcasting and Forecasting

Found the word 'Nowcasting' in one of the flyer circulated for a research project.  The Nowcasting technique to be used in finding solutions for COVID-19 economic impact. If you like forecasting, you will love nowcasting. Data are heavenly in these processes. One of my colleagues use backcasting for his PhD work. His work is really interesting.
Here is an article that briefly explain all three 'casting' processes. Have fun reading.

Backcasting: Starting with the End in Mind | Energy Futures LabBackcasting

Nowcasting | Best of the WebNowcasting. CPI is one of my research areas.

Probabilistic ForecastingForecasting

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Entrepreneurial Journalism

If you are looking for a venue to publish your writings, Academic International Dialogue (AID) Conference has many platforms to consider. One example is AID Newspaper Online. There are several categories available. If you are not sure, you can publish under a General category.

I came across an article published by the Founder of USIM Writers' Pool, Dr. Siti Suriani. She wrote on Entrepreneurial Journalism. I learn a few things from her short yet interesting write-up. You can read it here.

Academic International Dialogue - AID Conference - Education ...Pic.  AID Logo

Link to the Innovation Competition in July 2020

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Resensi Buku Peringkat ASEAN

During MCO, I joined Resensi Book Peringkat ASEAN activity. Got a Certificate as well. First, the activity was open only for poems. Later, it was opened for any types of Book.
I reviewed a book on Al-Ghazali and Konfusius. Got to thank Syiqin for introducing the Book to me. If you have time, please read the Book. Many insightful thoughts from the two great scholars. I include the Book Review below. 

25 Mac – 25 April 2020 

Tajuk Buku: Idea-Idea Pendidikan Berkesan: Al-Ghazali dan Konfusius 
Author: Abdul Salam Yusoff 
Tahun Terbit: 2015 
Penerbit: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 
ISBN: 978-967-942-912-1 

Buku setebal 241 muka surat ini mempunyai banyak kisah menarik dan teladan untuk dipelajari, terutama dalam konteks pendidikan berkesan warisan zaman klasik. Pengarang telah menggunakan pendekatan unik dengan melihat dua tokoh hebat tamadun Islam dan tamadun China mengupas isu ini. Petikan-petikan kata-kata mereka berdasarkan penulisan mereka jelas menunjukkan betapa dalam penelitian dan pemerhatian kedua tokoh ini dengan keadaan persekitaran dan sosio-ekonomi masyarakat setempat. Buku ini menjadi jambatan kearah mendapatkan sumber asli penulisan dua tokoh dunia dari dua tamadun yang berbeza. Al-Ghazali mewakili tamadun Islam manakala Konfusius mewakili tamadun China. 

Buku ini menganalisis persoalan epistemologi dua tokoh tersebut dan menyentuh permasalahan dunia, soal falsafah ilmu, matlamat pendidikan serta metodologi pendidikan dan pengajaran berkesan. Teks utama yang dirujuk oleh pengarang ialah kitab Ihya Ulum Al-Din oleh Imam Al-Ghazali dan Lun Yu oleh Konfusius. Kedua tokoh ini menekankan kekuatan dalaman dan spiritual yang mesti diutamakan untuk mencapai tahap kecemerlangan para pelajar yang menuntut ilmu. Etika murni mesti diterapkan kepada setiap kanak-kanak sejak peringkat awal perkembangan. Nilai positif yang dimiliki dapat menghindarkan seseorang dari bertindak diluar norma masyarakat. Krisis moral dan konflik nilai dapat dibendung sekiranya setiap individu dapat membuat keputusan secara rasional. 

Buku ini dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian. Bahagian Pertama mengandungi emapat bab dan membincangkan idea-idea pendidikan Al-Ghazali. Manakala Bahagia Kedua mengupas idea-idea pendidikan Konfusius. Bahagian ketiga membuat perbandingan dan saranan dari kedua-dua tokoh. 

Untuk Bahagian Pertama, terdapat Bab Pengenalan, Al-Ghazali Tokoh Reformasi Ilmu, Ilmu Terpancar dari Jiwa Yang Suci dan Keajaiban Hubungan Baik Guru dan Murid. Imam Al-Ghazali dilahirkan pada tahun 450 Hijrah/1058 Masihi di sebuah kampung bernama Ghazalahdi wilayah Khurasan. Beliau tokoh yang lahir 300 tahun sesudah kelahiran Imam Shafii. Beliau meninggal dunia di tempat kelahirannya sendiri pada tahun 505 Hijrah /1111 Masihi. Sifat beliau digambarkan sebagai seorang yang sangat dahagakan ilmu dan kebenaran. Beliau mengkaji setiap aliran falsafah dan mendalami setiap ilmu kalam yang dapat dijangkau. Beliau menulis dalam bentuk umum dan juga ilmiah. Kitab mashur beliau Ihya Ulum al-Din ditulis ketika beliau berusia 50 tahun. Kitab ini terdiri dari lima jilid dengan 342 halaman. 

Al-Ghazali menyatakan bahawa walaupun akal mempunyai daya lihat, namum masih banyak hal-hal yang tidak terjangkau oleh akal. Oleh itu, akal perlu dirangsang. Rangsangan terbaik adalah dari pembacaan Al-Quran. Pancaran cahaya hikmah nur atau cahaya dari Al-Quran jauh lebih utama dari akal pemikiran. Disamping memperoleh ilmu dari kaedah penggunaan pancaindera dan saintifik, ada cara lain untuk memperolehi ilmu. Ia bersifat rohani dan berkaitan keajaiban hati. 

Al-Ghazali membuat perbandingan hati seperti sebuah kolam yang kosong. Ilmu ibarat air dan pancaindera yang lima, ibarat lima batang sungai. Ada dua cara untuk mengisi kolam tersebut. Pertama, alirkan aliran air dari lima sungai tersebut masuk ke dalam kolam sehingga penuh. Kedua, tutup rapat aliran lima sungai dan gali dasar kolam sehingga mata air memancar dari dasar kolam dan memenuhi kolam tersebut. Ini analogi yang digunakan dalam pencarian ilmu. Ilmu hanya boleh terpancar dari jiwa sekiranya seseorang itu berilmu. 

Banyak lagi analogi yang digunakan oleh tokoh Islam ini untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya pencarian ilmu. Beliau sangat bijaksana dan menekankan pendidikan mesti bermula daripada proses penerokaan yang perlu disertai dengan asas agama yang kukuh. Menurut Al-Ghazali, dua daripada sifat asas akhlak mulia ialah berani dan bijaksana. Contohnya, ada pelajar yang terlalu takut untuk berterus-terang dalam menghadapi pelajaran. Akibatnya ramai yang tenggelam dalam kejahilan. Justeru, pengarang buku ini mencadangkan agar pihak Kementerian Pendidikan menggalakkan penyelidikan dalam bidang-bidang klasik Islam agar dapat diterapkan dalam konteks semasa. 

Beralih kepada Bahagian Kedua, ia mengandungi penulisan Konfusius dan terdapat tiga bab iaitu Konfusius Guru Agung, Kebijaksaan dan Budiman dan Cinta Mencari Ilmu Sepanjang Hayat. Konfusius adalah seorang yang berpengaruh dan dihormati dalam sejarah China. Maksud nama beliau adalah ‘Guru Agung.’ Pada usia 68 tahun, beliau mula mengajar mengenai pemikirannya kepada sesiapa yang ingin mempelajarinya. Walaupun pakar sejarah tidak pasti samada beliau menulis sendiri Lun Yu, atau terjemahannya Analects, falsafah pengajaran beliau telah dikumpul dan dibukukan oleh anak muridnya. Pemikir-pemikir agung tamadun China muncul pada era zaman perang di negara tersebut. 

Konfusius dilahirkan di Kampung Chang Ping, sekarang di Timur Laut China pada tahun 551 S.M. Lima Kitab beliau adalah karya terperinci yang mencatatkan kejadian-kejadian penting yang berlaku dibawah 12 ketua pemerintahan negara bahagian Lu, negara asal Konfusius. Konfusius mahu anak muridnya menjadi manusia serba boleh yang dapat menyumbang kepada masyarakat. Oleh itu beliau mengajar mereka pelbagai cabang ilmu. Beliau mengaktifkan fungsi sel otak kanan dan otak kiri dari pembelajaran tafsiran budaya warisan lama. Jika Al-Ghazali menekankan tentang nur, Konfusius memperkenalkan konsep ren. Ren bermaksud mengasihi semua manusia tanpa mengira perbezaan. 

Kesimpulannya, kedua-dua tokoh ini berjaya keluar dari zaman kesusahan semasa kanak-kanak dan sangat cintakan ilmu. Mereka menyuburkan budaya ilmu pada zaman masing-masing dan memartabatkan ilmu di tempat tertinggi. Membuang sifat ego dalam diri ketika mencari ilmu dan berfikiran kritis juga adalah ajaran mereka. Tamadun China, seperti yang diajar oleh Konfusius, menekankan cinta budaya ilmu. Tamadun Islam, menurut Imam Al-Ghazali, menekankan pendidikan dunia dan akhirat secara seimbang dan bersepadu. Kedua-dua murid dan guru mempunyai peranan masing-masing dalam proses pencarian ilmu. Ada banyak perkara yang boleh dipelajari berkaitan kedua tokoh hebat ini. Buku ini memberi sekilas pandangan dari aspek pendidikan. 

Al-Ghazali Quotes (45 wallpapers) - QuotefancyPic.Wise Words.

Pelajaran Bijak dari Konfusius untuk Kehidupan yang Lebih Baik
Nasihat Konfusius:
1. Tidak masalah seberapa lambat Anda berjalan selama Anda tidak berhenti.
2. Ketika kemarahan mulai muncul, pikirkan konsekuensinya.
3. Ketika tujuan tidak dapat dicapai, jangan ubah tujuan, tetapi sesuaikan langkah-langkah dengan tindakan.
4. Jika Anda menjadi seorang pembenci, maka Anda adalah orang yang kalah.
5. Orang yang berpikiran luas mencari kelebihan dalam dirinya sendiri; orang yang berpikiran sempit selalu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain.
6. Kemana pun Anda pergi, pergilah dengan sepenuh hati.
7. Berikan instruksi hanya kepada orang-orang yang mencari ilmu setelah mereka menemukan kebodohan mereka sendiri.
8. Selalu mengeluh akan hal-hal kecil akan mencegah terjadinya kesuksesan.
9. Jika ada orang yang membicarakan tentang diri Anda dibelakang Anda, itu artinya Anda seorang pemenang.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Chinalisation Circle and Sovereign Digital Currency

China has finally made a move. The plan to introduce eRMB (e-renminbi) was cooked-up many years ago. It was a race against USD as a safe heaven currency. Now, China has a weapon against USD in international trade. The move to start using DCEP (Digital Currency Electronic Payment) caught media attention as early as 2014. China will start introducing digital yuan soon. Read here.

While the US, and other central banks around the world, were physically busy cleaning up their currencies due to COVID-19 pandemic, the digital currency now became an attractive solution. The US has also started looking into digital currency, but who win the race will have the first mover advantage. As of now,  China has the lead. 

China has indeed planned everything well, starting from the day it liberalised its economy, to the insistence and persistence of getting RMB into IMF currency basket, to OBOR's initiative and the 60 countries trade-connection along the way, to Huawei and its 5G technology (the latest Huawei smartphone did not sell well because it has no Google search platform), and now the checkmate move of introducing sovereign digital currency as trial runs in four big cities. These four cities, strategically, are areas near the host cities for 2022 Winter Olympics in China. You can guess what kind of currency the Olympian visitors will have to use upon entering China.

China claims that the digital currency will render monetary policy and inflation ineffective. This move, if plausible, bodes well for Islamic finance. Now, Islamic finance will have a supporting platform where interest rates and inflation, two most important indicators in capital market, are blunt instruments. Tawaruq as a product financing instrument should really analyse the situation. Take advantage of the non-interest blue ocean, Brothers and Sisters. Learn from the Best (so far) yet our keep our Faith and Identity deep-rooted. 

Chinalisation Circle (@Chinalisation) | TwitterPic. Chinalisation Circle

OBOR Map by XFA (Xinhua Finance Agency, 2017a; Xinhua, 2017 ...Pic. OBOR Map

Is 5G Linked to Coronavirus? | Wayne PetersonPic. 5G World

Pic. China will start trial on eRMB soon in selected cities

Pic. Personal Collection. Design for AID Conference Project

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