Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Malaysia and Economic Recovery

In Tinta Minda, BERNAMA. Malay article.


"Laporan prestasi ekonomi negara pada suku ketiga pada 2020 yang diumumkan Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) pada Jumaat lepas tidaklah memberikan sebarang kejutan kepada banyak pihak. Seperti yang dijangka, fasa pemulihan ekonomi negara telahpun membuahkan hasil melalui pembukaan semula semua sektor ekonomi dan pemansuhan halangan pergerakan pada Mei 2020 yang tertakluk kepada prosedur operasi standard (SOP).

Jika dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada suku kedua 2020 iaitu -17.1%, fasa pemulihan ekonomi negara sudahpun bermula pada suku ketiga dengan mencatatkan kadar pertumbuhan negatif yang semakin mengecil iaitu -2.7%.

Prestasi pemulihan ekonomi negara adalah jauh lebih baik berbanding dengan negara-negara lain, misalnya Indonesia (-3.5%), Singapura (-7%), Filipina (-11.5%), Eropah (-4.3%), dan Great Britain (-9.6%). Hanya dua negara sahaja yang mencatatkan kadar pertumbuhan ekonomi yang positif dalam suku ketiga tahun 2020 iaitu China (4.9%), dan Chinese Taipei (3.3%)."


  1. Malaysia's economy is getting better day by day because many people have started their works again after the Movement Control Order (PKP) was ended.

  2. The recovery phase in economy puts a great needs to high level of employment and job vacancies as well as greater cunsumer spendings which encourage business restock. these will help to increase the economic activity which will further improve the national economy.

  3. The recovery phase in economy puts a great needs to high level of employment and job vacancies as well as greater cunsumer spendings which encourage business restock. these will help to increase the economic activity which will further improve the national economy.

  4. Ekonomi negara kian pulih sepenuhnya menjelang tahun 2021 dengan adanya vaksin pencegah dan in sha Allah, penularan covid-19 ini kian berakhir. Selain itu, pengangguran juga akan berkurangan jika sektor kerajaan dan sektor swasta memainkan peranan yang sepatutnya kepada negara.

  5. Malaysia's economic growth has recovered and expects fully recover next year since all economic activities remain open by following the SOP and, the vaccine for covid-19 has been found and predict to distribute by next year.

  6. Malaysia's economic getting better in third quarter and its will full recover in next year because the vaccine for covid 19 has been found. So, all industry can start their operations back including tourism and airlines industry.

    1. Need to continue reading on the vaccine. I have posted one discussion in the blog.

  7. Pelbagai aspek yang perlu ditengahkan agar negara dapat menangani isu-isu yang terjejas akibat penularan virus covid-19.Disamping itu, kita sebagai rakyat perlu berkerjasama dan sentiasa mematuhi segala etika kebersihan dan penjarakkan sosial agar sektor yang terjejas dapat beroperasi seperti biase dan juga ekonomi negara kembali pulih.

  8. Malaysia dijangka pulih sepenuhnya 2021. Walau bagaimanapun langkah-langkah pencegahan dan kepatuhan SOP perlu dititik beratkan agar tidak mengundang virus dari luar yang akan mengakibatkan ekonomi malaysia beku pada kemuncak covid-19 yang lepas.

    1. Ekonomi Malaysia 'beku.' Bersama kita mencari jalan menangani kebekuan ini.

  9. Malaysia should have a better recovery next year following with SOP taken care of by the people itself. My 2cents views from my business experiences as part timer in Food and Beverages industry. we are all already seen the increasing sales which much better than the earlier MCO. Of course, just some action of adapting the situation with SOP and the business would go well

    1. Good response based on your own experience.

  10. When it comes to economic recovery, what is desired is definitely a growth. So, the upcoming months will determine how fast our economics recovery can drive the growth sectors by 2021 as the next few months are very important in the process of recovering the country's economy.

    1. What do you thing the growth rate should be?

  11. Apabila kerajaan bersetuju untuk membuka balik sektor ekonomi disebabkan penularan pandemic covid-19 sangatlah memberi impak yang positif kerana peniaga-peniaga diluar sana dapat membuka semula gerai mereka seperti sediakala dengan menitik beratkan garis panduan sop yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan sekali gus meletakkan Malaysia di landasan tepat untuk memulihkan ekonomi dengan segera selepas terjejas akibat penularan covid-19.

    1. Semua sektor perlu bekerjasama menangai isu Covid-19.

  12. I think there are some sectors or industries that need to be emphasized in order to give good returns to the country during this covid pandemic such as rubber, technology or e-commerce and retail activities. This sector needs to be developed as much as possible so that the country can record a positive growth rate in a shorter time

  13. After all the reliefs made by the government to us, we ourselves need to play the important roles in fighting the Covid-19. In my opinion, if we do not take care of ourselves and adhere to the SOPs given by the authorities, we will never win against this virus. It means that, it is also impossible to the government to recover the economic growth of the country next year.

  14. Pengukuhan permintaan luar negara merupakan faktor utama yang menyokong fasa pemulihan ekonomi negara. Hal ini berkait rapat dengan kestabilan politik negara. Oleh kerana Malaysia merupakan negara yang mengamalkan ekonomi terbuka dan bergantung kepada perdagangan antarabangsa, kerjasama dari semua pihak amatlah penting dalam fasa pemulihan ekonomi ketika pandemik Covid19 ini. Sekiranya ketidakstabilan politik yang berlaku tidak dapat ditangani, ia akan menggugat pemulihan ekonomi negara dan memberi kesan negatif terhadap perkembangan kegiatan eksport negara serta keyakinan pelabur asing terhadap pasaran Malaysia

  15. The ongoing expenditure incurred by the government in tackling the problems posed by the covid-19 virus to some extent has a positive impact on the national economy. We all hope that our country's economic performance in the fourth quarter can show good momentum with the emergence of vaccine news that has begun to distributed in stages around the world. Indirectly give an injection of confidence to investors to invest and restore economic performance as usual

    1. There is quite a debate on the effectiveness of the vaccine. Hopefully, all ends well.

  16. The efficiency of government initiatives in taking action during the pandemic resulting in a positive increase in nation's economic growth compared to other Asian countries. The result also contributed by Malaysians cooperation together to overcome this downturn.

  17. This pandemic give us many lesson such as the important sector which need to improve. For instance ,agriculture which being the relevant sector to need to enhance.

    1. Agriculture is indeed very important. Daruriyyah category.

  18. The government has taken the good action which is open back all sector and industry to avoid Malaysian economic become worse. I think Malaysian's economic will be increased and show the postive growth at the end of 2021 because of vaccine that may overcome pandemic Covid19.

  19. Prestasi ekonomi Malaysia dijangka akan pulih ekoran wujudnya vaksin untuk menangani covid19. Walaupun aktiviti ekonomi dibenarkan semula oleh kerajaan, rakyat Malaysia harus sentiasa bersama-sama menjaga keselamatan dalam menangani covid19. Tambahan pula, kerajaan telah mewujudkan pelbagai peluang pekerjaan kepada graduan, pengganggur dan pekerja yang dibuang kerja ekoran penularan pandemik covid19. Hal ini membawa banyak kebaikan. Justeru, rakyat Malaysia harus bekerjasama dalam mengekang penularan pandemik covid19 agar ekonomi Malaysia kembali pulih.

  20. For my opinion, the government take good initiatives to open back all sector and entrepreneur run their business as asual with a new normal by practice by SOP. This is because, all the sector should play important role in ensuring the community and country become free from COVID-19 to growth the economy.

  21. Ekonomi malaysia menuju pemulihan pada tahun 2021, hal ini kerana kerajaan memainkan peranan penting di mana memberikan pakej rangsangan fiskal dan juga membuka peluang pekerjaan kepada warganegara yang terjejas akibat daripada pandemik covid 19. Secara tidak langsung, ia dapat membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malaysia. Di samping itu, usaha pemulihan ekonomi negara juga amat bergantung kepada kerjasama antara semua pihak dengan mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang telah ditetapkan untuk kepentingan negara.

  22. Ekonomi malaysia menuju pemulihan pada tahun 2021, hal ini kerana kerajaan memainkan peranan penting di mana memberikan pakej rangsangan fiskal dan juga membuka peluang pekerjaan kepada warganegara yang terjejas akibat daripada pandemik covid 19. Secara tidak langsung, ia dapat membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi di Malaysia. Di samping itu, usaha pemulihan ekonomi negara juga amat bergantung kepada kerjasama antara semua pihak dengan mematuhi prosedur operasi standard (SOP) yang telah ditetapkan untuk kepentingan negara.

  23. As we can see the economic sector in malaysia is now recovering day by day. for example exports are now increasing, the manufacturing sector is expanding while the services sector is recording a smaller contraction. But we see this as something positive. At the same time we can also see the government's efforts to rehabilitate the affected sectors through the packages that have been announced previously such as Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi Prihatin Rakyat (Prihatin) and Pelan Jana Semula Ekonomi Negara (Penjana)which is still ongoing.

  24. Malaysia's economy grew in the third quarter of 2020 as people can reopen businesses and resume activities that were postponed or restricted due to COVID-19. But economic growth expected to decline again in the fourth quarter as the third waves of COVID-19 hit the country and also will imposed a challenge to the prediction of economic direction. Economic recovery is likely to be affected in the final quarter, possibly extend till next year, depends on the pandemic situation and the availability of vaccines.

  25. In my opinion, Malaysia's economy in 2021 will be increase if we take care of ourselves and follow the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) because it is very important to break the chain of this virus.

  26. In my opinion, I assume that in 2021, the Malaysian economy will rebound steadily and be able to make better use of the crisis in other countries. However if it wants to become a fact, this recovery must be followed by steps that have been developed by the government. Besides that, leaders play a leadership role that is the ability to bring together the people to work together voluntarily towards the achievement of the goals set by the government. Leadership is based on a spiritual quality the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow.

    1. Exceptional Leadership quality is needed in the time of crisis.

  27. Bagi pendapat saya, Kerajaan Malaysia telah menyusun strategi yang sangat baik dalam menangani masalah ekonomi di negara ini. Pelbagai usaha yang telah diberikan untuk membantu rakyat dalam memulihkan sektor ekonomi antaranya menyediakan Program GKP, PSU dan memberi monatorium kepada yang membuat pinjaman.

  28. Bagi pendapat saya, ekonomi Malaysia akan pulih dengan adanya vaksin pencegahan covid19 dan rakyat tidak lagi perlu takut untuk keluar bekerja serta mengamalkan SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan.

  29. Based on this positive macro expansion sign, I think our government had planned the Short-term Economic Recovery Plan with their best by focusing on the right priorities – such as allowing to business or SME sector continue their operations as usual with strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

  30. I think, the initiative by government to open all sector to run their business was give a positive impact for economy recovery and the result is, Malaysia's economic getting better in third quarter. As a Malaysian, don't take this issue for granted and follow the SOP that has been appointed by the government. This is because, the battle still ongoing so we must together fight this virus to recover our economy. With the existing of vaccine, hopefully our economy will fully recover in 2021.

  31. Malaysia economic is expected recovery when businesses reopen and resume operations after Covid-19. This is also will contribute to further improvement in the consumer market as well as all the people follow the SOP that has been set up by the government. Besides online business also contribute to economic recovery during Covid-19.

  32. Based on my observation, cashless payments become booming since the covid-19 pandemic. People tend to use online transaction and debit card to make a payment as attention to hand hygiene and convenience though. Even I used to go to the night market a few past days ago, the stalls become more creative in using touch and go e-wallet and grab pay. The digital transaction increasing and exposes during the pandemic. It gives more opportunities for merchants next to enhance the Malaysians shops ultimately drives Malaysia economic recovery.

  33. The government really plays an important role in these hard times. It can be seen that they has been trying their best to provide enormous financial support to businesses and all of the others through the pandemic. When the global economies started again, its time for all the industry players to revive them.

  34. In terms of output patterns, consumer consumption, investment and the labour market, the COVID-19 outbreak has altered the economic environment. But in my view, the economy of Malaysia is getting better every day because after the Movement Control Order (PKP) was terminated, many people have begun their work again.


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