1. Capitalism
2. Virtonomics
3. Pharaoh
4. Cities: Skylines
5. Theme Park World
6. Civilisation
7. Animal Crossing: New Horizon
To all Bruce Lee's Fans out there, here is a quote for you.
"You must be shapeless and formless like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can also drip and splash. So, be like water my friend."
-Bruce Lee
An article published in 16 September 2020 on the shape of economic recovery. Will it be a V, W, L or U-shaped? According to the article:
In the U.S. and Japan, 23% of CEOs said W-shape recovery.
The gig economy consists of four main sectors.
According to Mastercard, these are the following:An article in Tinta Minda (in Malay) on critical thinking.
Petikan Karya Pantun tradisi Minang:Read here https://laptopswhizz.com/what-is-the-best-processor-for-my-laptop/
Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) = Extended Reality (XR).
4 Companies selling their products via virtual online:http://www.myaidconference.com/alumni-aid-menulis---umum_artikel17.html
Have you subscribed Sukuk Prihatin? Minimum subscription is RM500. It will end on September 17, 2020. Make sure you read the Knowledge Pack before investing. It is a two-year tenure so you are not going to be able to use the money for the next two years. Invest wisely.
The link below for a quick read.
Digital nomad is simply working remotely. Digital nomads are the new elite. Nomadic workforce. The new rich in terms of space and time. A nomadic lifestyle in the global village with a touch of upscale nomads, i.e., the professionals.
Once upon a time, people roam the earth freely, now we do the same, but remotely.
The big question is, do they harm the economy?
Working 9 to 5 is the relic of the 20th century. Gig Economy and Corporate Gig are not just fads.
An interesting read for the digital nomads below and selected Excerpt:
Here is an article published in 2019. On Fiverr and Skills Provision based on Network Perspective.
Almost one-hour video by Professor Paul Oyer on Gig Economy. The last 10 minutes of Q& A is the most interesting. As one of the audience pointed out, the view presented is not quite balanced. If the speech is delivered during COVID-19 crisis, some of the statements would take a different course. I think he summarises the up and down in the Gig economy well: "Flexibility vs. Instability." The statistics are also interesting.
The Excerpt from the link below:
I am writing a short feature on Gig workers for a newspaper online. Found this article talking about digital nomads.
Digital Nomads
Here is a very positive outlook on Gig Economy, written by the President of Nu Skin.
The Newsletter of the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. I was one of the Editors in the very first edition many years ago.
The December edition will be published end of 2020. Please feel free to contribute on any topic.
Artikel menarik di Tinta Minda, BERNAMA. Ada tiga buah buku yang dicadangkan. Banyak maklumat terkini berkaitan permainan video dan terdapat 10 tips berguna untuk dimanafaatkan.
Petikan rencana:
Angry Birds 2
An article in the IMF Blog.
An Excerpt:
Here is an article that summarises the Informal Economy, including gig workers, in Malaysia. The data is up to 2019. Informative and the future of Gig economy is indeed promising.
High Speed Train and Thailand's Trans-Asean Bullet Train. Partly, in anticipation of the ageing society. Less burden to the environment as well.
A project in Kedah. The expected outcome is new products that could be marketed worldwide.
Willpower and resilience in the face of adversity. Chinalisation vs. Globalisation.
A short video below showing the process.
I like the author's opinion on the "Epic Rebound." Will borrow the term in my next project.
A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...