Monday, September 7, 2020

Healing Global Economy Post COVID-19

An article in the IMF Blog. 

An Excerpt:

“The networked problems of our time are amenable to networked solutions,” writes Ian Goldin, making the case for international cooperation not only among governments but also in civil society and business. Joseph Stiglitz argues for rewriting the rules of the economy to protect workers and the environment, calling for greater global and national solidarity. Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff, and others consider ways to handle a coming wave of debt restructuring for the poorest countries. Kevin Watkins urges debt relief for the poorest countries, including by converting debt liabilities into investments that protect children. Other contributors focus on the role of new technologies, climate, and public health, including vaccine development. Finally, the IMF’s Ratna Sahay and coauthors grapple with race and racism in the economics profession, recognizing that addressing biases begins at home."

I particularly like the reference to the baritone Singer Cohen. You should listen to "Dance to the end of Love" by him and do a little research on why the song was written. 
In the words of songwriter Leonard Cohen, “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

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