Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Subcribe to Sukuk Prihatin

Subscribe to Sukuk Prihatin, profit rate of 2% p.a at maturity. Sukuk Prihatin is a first-of-its-kind Shariah compliant product issued by the Government of Malaysia to enable the public to participate and contribute to the rebuilding of the nation post-COVID-19.

I did my part. I have done some research on Sukuk for the past 10 years. The feeling of finally being a Sukuk subscriber is indescribable. EUPHORIC. 

Here is how you can subsribe Sukuk online via Maybank2u (You can subscribe from any Bank):

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Oppenheimer and Oscar Economics

This  article  is quite long, but has important modern implications.  Source: Michael Ramirez, The Gazette.