Friday, June 19, 2020

Gig Economy Comes of Age

China and technological advancement. We can read in the news all sort of innovation they come-up with during COVID-19 crisis. The latest is what they call as "Exoskeleton" - latest innovation by the apps platform - one of China’s biggest food delivery platforms (see picture). Some people are against it. Most people love it. The article is hereBottom line? Be more efficient, cut business cost.

Did you see how creative they are? = Element. Exoskeleton = outside, external.

Examples of animals with exoskeletons include insects such as grasshoppers and cockroaches, and crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters, as well as the shells of certain sponges and the various groups of shelled molluscs, including those of snails, clams, tusk shells, chitons and nautilus.I have always been fascinated by the names of their multinational companies. TenCent. AliBaba. Ant Financial. One day, I am going to do research on how they arrive at the names.

After a delicate 40 minute process the grasshopper, pictured in a back garden in Mataram, Indonesia, was free from his old skin
Exoskeleton Grasshopper patiently shed its skin. More Outstanding Pictures by the Photographer here.

Wow!' Exoskeleton robot used for food delivery in China - cnTechPostExoskeleton Food Delivery in China. The Real Iron Man. Wow!

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