Saturday, June 20, 2020

Economic Recovery Post COVID-19

It is time to think of how the economy is going to get back on its feet after the world is grappling with the pandemic. For almost six months, we have been talking about the virus, social protection, job losses and lockdown.
Now that the crisis is under control, at least in our country, the number of cases is single digit for many days in June, it is time to start focusing on the future.
An article here that covers what should be done. I like the creative economy part. Hope the author is referring to Gig economy. The other one is blue economy. Digital economy, medical supply, maritime logistic are a few areas that we have advantage. The main focus, according to the article, is to provide quality jobs to the people. 
If we read/write one article per day on economic recovery process post COVID-19, we will be able to keep the economy going a lot faster. 

Scenarios for planetary health under various COVID-19 policy responses (Degnarain 2020)Economic Recovery. L, U, V or W or swoosh-shaped?

Explaining the Shape. 1.42 minutes.

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