Thursday, April 30, 2020

Six Grade Teacher Ben Bertoli Gamifying Education

Gamification in Education. Interesting concept. Will it work in Islamic Education? We need to innovative.

Let's learn from Ben Bertolli's ClassRealm. Ben teaches sixth grade math, science and language arts in Indianapolis, Indiana. His project gamify education. Here is his explanation on the ClassRealm Game:
In simplest terms ClassRealm is a customizable web-based tool that can be used by teachers, students and parents to track student achievements, provide students with entertaining and educational adventures, as well as improve their overall academic performance.

On Video Resume:
Looking for Creative Video Resume? Watch the video here. Especially Devina's CV.
Rumi's Quote:
I was searching for a suitable quote in my latest project. Came across this one.
'Poems are rough notations for the music we are.' 

Gamification: how video games can make education better computer classroom decor, computer lab decor Computer Classroom Decor, Computer Lab Decor, Classroom Design, Science Classroom, School Classroom, Computer Science, Classroom Organization, Classroom Management, OrganizingPost-It Art. Or Goomba if you like. Ben Bertollis's creativity.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Professor Mankiw on COVID-19

A Tale of Two Possible Recoveries. Prof. Mankiw wrote in The New York Times here.
Interesting point of view in which he plays both an Optimist and a Pessimist at the same time. Ask pertinent questions and the answers are fact-ridden. All by himself.
In the tradition of He Said, She Said.
Well, you should read the article.

Pic. Mankiw vs. Mankiw.  Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Is your glass half empty or half full? - QuoraPic. Have You Seen This One?

Is The Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full? | The Empower CenterPic. Empower Yourself. Succeed.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Oil Prices Went Subzero - Part 2

More on the oil prices story today. Is this the tip of the iceberg? Is the world ready for another shock? This time, the oil industry is hit by both demand and supply side. Demand falls due to the lockdown of corona-virus. Supply halted because of Arab Saudi-Russia oil prices tug-of-war. 
In economics we learn about subnormal profit. Now, we have to learn about subzero prices. What a great bookmark in history. Good for learning. Good for recapitulating. Good for future recovery process. Good for knowledge. 
Nature finally took over and said: "Hey, give me some space. The Earth is suffocating right now. Step aside for a while. Stay at Home, Man. Let other Species Roam the Earth."

The Subzero oil prices story here.

How Oil Prices Went Subzero: Explaining the COVID-19 Oil CrashPic. Very Interesting Visual News Explainer. Need to do One for Sukuk.

WTI plunged into negative price territoryPic. From Bloomberg. Historic Negative Plunge.

Oil Crisis - No one is Able to Dodge the Bullet - Part 1

The Oil Crisis. Never ending story. You can read here for the latest update from Bloomberg.  Oil price became negative for the first time. Wonder what is the immediate solutions.

How Far Reaching Will the 'Oil Crisis' of 2020 Be? | The National ...

US oil price turns NEGATIVE for first time ever as sellers PAY ...

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quick, Draw! An Online Drawing Game By Google

Quick, Draw! is loads of fun. That is - if you like drawing. You can doodle but try to make the image identifiable. What is more interesting is that the game is played worldwide and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is enhanced each time a player draws an image as per the instruction. The AI will help the system learn to improve on speed and accuracy in recognising the drawing. The game was introduced in 2016.
Try it here.

Quick, Draw!Pic. The Game

Image result for quick drawPic. Example of Drawing

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fifty Shades of Gig Economy

I am currently doing a research on Gig economy.  Here is one article that defines the nuances of the term. Not sure if this type of economy will thrive post COVID-19. I do hope it will continue to shape the world, and be the SMEs of the Digital Economy.  Maybe I should do microblogging on the topic to raise awareness.
More of the article from the community blog Mila.

1E Blog|Your source for all things ITPic. Line and Circles. You have a Story.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Artikel di Risalah USIM Berkaitan Kelestarian Pakej Rangsangan COVID-19

A short write-up on deficit to GDP ratio here published by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). More research in the future on this topic.
Pic. The Article

Thursday, April 23, 2020

1,000 Year Old Technique of Arabic Calligraphy

Calligraphy that resembles computer coding in terms of its precision and specific designs. Read here. AMaZing (read with the emphasise, ^_^). Interesting. Specific instructions.  Precision. Like Rolex.
Allah Maha Bijaksana...
Will learn Arabic Calligraphy sometimes in the future. iA.

Pic. The Coding-Like Explanation. 

Pic. Isn't the Instruction Specific Enough?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Romancing Gig Economy

Very interesting trend for romance novelist. They are actually decades earlier than others and are well prepared to continue working during MCO. The sales of this genre surpass others. People are romantic, more so during MCO. Well, at least according to statistics. 
There are actually many shades of green during COVID-19.  People always innovate. Through centuries, human has proven that they can survive. But did the lesson learnt?
I am sure all of us at least have read one 'feel good' novel.
This article has a good story. You can read it here.

Gigonomics Book – A Field Guide for Freelancers in the Gig EconomyPic. A Guide for Freelancers in Gig Economy

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Gig Economy Scenario in Malaysia

A short take for the background of the state of Gig economy in Malaysia. This article gives a perspective on the good, the bad and the ugly side of gig economy. What can be said is that if the economy performs well, gig workers enjoy all the benefits of working at their own pace and selling their talents to employers worldwide. But COVID-19 is an eye opener. Can the good things last forever?

At the end, the most important thing is financial literacy. Economics literacy. Growth. Good government. Stability. Faith. 
Hope the article benefits you. 
By the way, I met PM Dr. Mohd Fazli Sabri during MACFEA Conference way back in 2013.

Gig Economy Stock Illustrations – 77 Gig Economy Stock ...              Chinese internet-based service companies, which served as the employment backstop in the last economic down, have themselves fallen on hard times, only adding fuel to rising lay-off worries. Illustration: Brian Wang
              Pic. China losing the ability to absorb layoff workers

Monday, April 20, 2020

Greater Focus on Fiscal Policy

At the time when the interest rate is declining, in some countries even negative, monetary policy is no longer an effective policy tools.
Riksbank has the story.
There is also a recent article on the cost of negative rates here, published April 2020.

Sveriges Riksbank" by AMEP - MostphotosPic. Sveriges Riskbank

Pic. Data from Bloomberg 2019

Sunday, April 19, 2020

eBook on Covid-19 - CEPR Policy Portal

Is there anything good about Covid-19? I believe there is. Good in the way of how we manage the crisis. How tough we are. Mentally and Physically.
Below is the excerpt from the last Chapter of the Book.
"How can one think of a ‘good thing’ about this immense threat, then? So far, at least, the epidemic looks like a giant Rorschach test, those coloured inkblots that reveal your personality, except that it reveals the nature of governments and, more widely, societies. It is fascinating to observe how governments are reacting to the threat. Even if the epidemic soon disappears, eventually its fallout could be spectacular – for the better or the worse." 

Here is the Book.
Economics in the Time of COVID-19 | VOX, CEPR Policy PortalPic. The fastest eBook.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Fork in the Road for Gig Workers

Writing a Case Study is challenging. The accompanying Teaching Guide preparation also requires detailed planning. Almost a decade ago, I wrote my very first Case Study under the tutelage of Professor Dato' Dr. Muhamad Muda. The title of my first Case Study was: "The Roaring Tiger: Relocating Zoo Negara Malaysia," published in 2004.

Afterwards, I focused on Sukuk, or Islamic bond. I started  'Sakinah The Series No. 1' back in 2011. Sakinah, the fictional character, is the CFO of PNB. She is the main decision-maker in every case I wrote. Sakinah is an Arabic word. It means peace or serenity or tranquility.

At present, I am working on Sakinah The Series No. 4. The theme is on Covid-19 pandemic. I plan to write on how Gig workers are impacted by Covid-19 since most of them do not have workers benefits. You can read about the Gig workers here. Video of the quotes from 5 leaders is available here.

Thriving in the Gig Economy | PaldeskPic. Thriving in the Gig Economy

blas's pyjamas: WOTY 2017Pic. An interesting illustration.

JPEG vs JPEG2000

During lockdown, I learn some features of PiktoChart and Pages. Learn a few tricks of creating a simple yet impactful poster.  
I watch a few videos and come across JPEG2000. Intrigued, I dug deeper.
Why JPEG2000 never took off? The answer is here.

RAW vs JPEG Format Editing in LightroomPic. Spot the Difference?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Flattening the Phillips Curve

At the time when 'flatten the curve' is the mantra during Covid-19 pandemic, the article on flattening the Phillips curve is relevant.  You can read it here.

What's the Phillips Curve & Why Has It Flattened? | St. Louis FedPic. Article by St Louis Fed. on why Phillips curve has flattened.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Streisand Economic Effect

What is the Streisand effect? When trying to hide something make it more visible - according to the Economist. This started in 2003 but was popularised in 2005.

A more recent tweet here in 2019. It resurfaced. This time between a Journalist and Academician.
Lesson?  'Berkata Baik atau Diam.'

The Streisand effect. A term coined by Mike... | Sketchplanations ...Pic. An Illustration

Ensiklopedia Islam – Serial Kutipan Hadits: Berkata Baik atau DiamHadith.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Modern Urban Farming

I come across a few articles recently on modern farming and the necessity to have enough domestic supply of food. The issue gain prominence during pandemic Covid-19. 

A few years back, I was worried when looking at the amount of our food import. Apparently, we are not producing enough food on our own.  This article mirrors my concern.

Urban Farming in Singapore: Floating Vertical FarmingPic. Floating Vertical Farming in Singapore

Monday, April 13, 2020

Gig Economy

Gig Economy refers to  a labor market characterised by short-term contracts or freelance works as opposed to permanent jobs.

An article in Berita Harian Gig Ekonomi: Ancaman atau Peluang: Ekonomi Gig ialah pasaran buruh kontrak jangka pendek atau kerja bebas yang dilakukan oleh individu yang dipacu teknologi digital.

According to Daily Campus, the Gig Economy became strongest during recession.

The gig economy - Viewpoints | BMO Global Asset ManagementPic. Gig Jobs. Trend of Millennials.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

NST Snapshot on the Impact of Covid-19

NSTP on April 12, 2020 has good summary on the recent impact of the pandemic on every walk of life.
Short and informative reading.

The Twitter is also up-to-date on the news.

New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle ...Pic. from NST

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Forbes Middle East on the New Normal After Covid-19 Pandemic

New Normal has become a household name.
The health crisis has touches many aspect of life.
However, while battling the current situation, we should also think ahead, post Covid-19.

 A good article from Forbes Middle East on the new normal.

eMpTy Pages: The Future of Translation in a Gig EconomyPic. On Gig Economy

Friday, April 10, 2020

On Social Distancing and the Appropriate Distance

An article that would make us re-think social distance.
There are other forces at work.
What researches find out while training athletes for big sport event such as Olympics can benefit us at the time of social distancing due to corona pandemic.
You can read here.

Graphic illustrates importance of social distancingPic. Illustration of how to flatten the curve.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

On Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

In times of global health crisis, re-nationalisation is proposed.
The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is proposing Regional Green Job Guarantee (JG) as one of the solution to maintain economic growth.

You can read the blog of one of the Founders, Prof Bill Mitchell here.

A Beginner's Guide to MMT | Scribd

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Re-Skillings During COVID-19 Health Crisis

News about volunteering work abound during the trying Health Crisis Period.
Creativity flourishes, especially among small business where during normal days, they rely on face-to-face customers.

Now that government over the world is imposing MCOs to curb the pandemic, survival, for those who are self-employed depends on a new normal.

I have heard of GrabFood, GrabExpress and GrabMart. Someone shares his experience delivering RM98 for a small package of Musang King in Penang. A Japanese expatriate called Grab to take his comfortable working chair home during MCO. A Web Camera taken from the office to WFH.  Three Indonesians calling Grab to do groceries. The rule is only one passenger per Grab car. One for each Grab, so three Grab cars required.

There are jobs looses. There are jobs created during crisis. For example, the tsunamis that hit Japan and destroyed many houses increase demand for wood products and wood furniture imports. 

The digital economy eases many things. But don't forget the digital divide.
Below is the link for online museums in China. The talented Virtual Tour Guide is a new skill requirements. 

Everyone, let's re-skilling during WFH. There are many free online classes available. Give it a shot.

Pic. Museums Come Alive Online in China

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Text-Mining Techniques to Reflect Investors Sentiment

Mining Global Economics and Finance Text?

Interesting IMF article on how news affect market sentiments. Bullish or Bearish. Global news are more important than local news (local news involve only news in one country). The article discovers that text-mining techniques of economics and finance news identify positive terms such as 'gains,' 'recovery' and negative ones such as 'crisis' and 'decline.'  Daily texts from selected sources are collected and an Index constructed.

I co-authored an article with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Noor Zahirah Mohd Sidek, UiTM Kedah, on this issue. If you are interested in the preprint version, leave comments below.
Pic. IMF Calculations

Monday, April 6, 2020

Article in Berita Harian: Menjangka Sisi Putih Ekonomi Pasca Pandemik COVID-19

I wrote about the two Best Picture movies yesterday. Parasite vs. No Country for Old Men.
Today, my short take on the economy due to COVID-19 is published in Berita Harian. In the article, I mentioned the movie 'No Country for Old Men.' Nice coincidence. I wrote the second Article yesterday, touching on the fiscal space of Asian countries. Still COVID-19 related.
 Enjoy reading the article here.

Petugas KKM membawa keluar sebahagian daripada 12 orang yang mempunyai kontak rapat kes di Plaza City One untuk di kuarantin selepas membuat saringan COVID-19 di Flat Selangor Mansion, Masjid India semalam. - Foto BERNAMAPic. Gambar Hiasan. BH

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Parasite vs No Country for Old Men

Both movies won Academy Award.
Parasite, the Korean movie, is the Best Picture in 2020. It is about class divide.
No Country for Old Men, the movie is based on the 2005 novel by American author Cormac McCarthy, was the Best Picture in 2008. It is a dark film. The theme is greed. 

Greed.  Revenge. Violence.
Why, some people ask, movies that promotes violence, ended up bagging the Academy Award?

Watch the two movies. Be the judge. Maybe one day, Malaysia can bag the Award. But please work within Shariah-compliant framework.

no country for old men on BehancePic. No Country for Old Men

Parasite Production HousePic. Some say the Real Actor in Parasite is the House itself.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) vs. Monetary Policy 3 (MP3)

An interesting outlook on how the combination of both monetary and fiscal policy will together mitigate the impact of COVID-19. The message is again clear. Make sure everyone is employed. Build School. Build Buildings. Do R&D.  I think at the time like this hospitals should be included in the list. 

Study how the Economic Machine Works. Just like how engineers study engines.
Another Good Book to read: 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises.'

Heikki Patomäki: Modern Monetary Theory - Populist Rhetoric or a ...

Ever heard of modern monetary theory? - MarketplacePic. MMT Illustrated.

Friday, April 3, 2020

On Corona and Budget Deficit

Governments the world over is spending money on recovery plans to mitigate COVIC-19 impact. The question is should netizens be concerned of the fiscal deficit. The article below examines the situation. The positive outlook is there will be a huge growth after the heath crisis. If you have not read about about helicopter money, this is the time to do so. Let's hope the curve will be flattened soon. 

This is the time Islamic economics offer viable solution. Build something that is real and long lasting. Build a bridge. Check out the solution for both here.

Pic. By Ray Dalio, May 6, 2019

Helicopter money and basic income: friends or foes? - Positive MoneyPic. Helicopter Money

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Waqf as a Tool for Economic Recovery as suggested by Wall Street Journal in 2011

In 2011, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) suggested that philanthropists 'build bridges' to help the economy that was impacted by Global Financial Crisis in 2007/2008.

The Blog Muslim Heritage has the story. An interesting blog. Happy reading.

The Institution of Waqf as a Solution to the Economic Crisis ...Pic. The Article by WSJ

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Learning Maths with WooTube

Eddie Woo teaches Mathematics in a comprehensive public school in Sydney, Australia. In 2018, Woo was awarded the Australia's Local Hero Award. A Maths Rockstar. A Maths Ambassador.
According to him, "...maths is all about patterns and the universe is extraordinarily patterned." His parents migrated to Australia from Malaysia in 1970s.
I especially like his explanation of Euler's number, or e, which is important in the world of bond.
Check out his wonderful videos explaining maths in the way that will make you smile. His enthusiasm with mathematics is so obvious, you can feel it. 

May you enjoy Maths, the way I do.

Eddie Woo, February 2019 01 (cropped).jpgPic.Woo in 2019

It's a Numberful World: How Math Is Hiding Everywhere by Eddie WooPic. His Book. 'Numberful World'

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...