Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Curbing Inflation

Latest article from the IMF Blog here.  An excerpt below on how policy mix matters in restraining inflation:

"...Central banks are raising interest rates to dampen demand and contain inflation, which in many countries is at its highest levels since the 1980s. Because rapid price gains are costly to society and detrimental to stable economic growth, monetary policy must act decisively.

While monetary policy has the tools to subdue inflation, fiscal policy can put the economy on a sounder long-term footing through investment in infrastructure, health care, and education; fair distribution of incomes and opportunities through an equitable tax and transfer system; and provision of basic public services. The overall fiscal balance, however, affects the demand for goods and services, and inflationary pressures..."

Source: IMF Blog

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Oppenheimer and Oscar Economics

This  article  is quite long, but has important modern implications.  Source: Michael Ramirez, The Gazette.