Friday, December 30, 2022

The Economics of Small Kitchen Appliances

Have you notices how home appliances have become smaller in size in recent years? Read here.


"...Although many foreign brands are active in China’s small kitchen appliances market (especially Western-style small appliances market), most of them only have market recognition and high quality, but not much market share, except some leading companies. In terms of penetration rate, induction cooker, microwave, soy milk maker, electric saucepan and oven rank top, but some new product types that have very small market size, such as food processor, yogurt maker, break maker, air fryer and coffee maker, are emerging, especially Western-style products. They represent the new consumers goods that cater to people’s needs for higher life quality. .."

Copyright: © Zachary Kanin via CartoonStock 

Great Expectation

Creator: Zdenek Sasek/Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The Ants Story

Just discovered the 2018 post of Prof. Elaine Schwartz in her econlife's blog. A good observation on efficiency to carry forward to 2023.  


"When fire ants build the underground vertical tunnels that access the mounds where they live, they don’t want everyone to pitch in. Instead they depend on just 30% of their labor force. In a container, scientists even observed 10 or 15 ants hard at work while 130 or so “relaxed...”

Image credit: Marty Buccella via CartoonStock

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Lazy Jane Poem

A poem could be in the form of words, visuals, actions or image. Any poetic form. 

Shel Silverstein is famous for his children’s poetry and illustrations. One of them is 'Lazy Jane,' where words and drawings integrate to visually convey meaning.

Source: May Huang

Monday, December 26, 2022

Sajak Pokok Nipah

I am sharing with you a Malay post from Tinta Minda, BERNAMA. An excerpt below:

“Batu Pahat merupakan sebuah bandar dengan minda yang ceria yang wujud dari sebuah hutan tebal. Tiupan angin dari hutan dan laut bebas bertiup ke arah kota. Kehijauan dan kekuatan yang ganas mengelilingi kota, dan terus hidup subur di dalam hutan tanpa mampu dikalahkan oleh sesiapa." (Dipetik dan diterjemah dari “Maree Ran-in kiko”).

Can't find the 'Sajak Pokok Nipah', though. 

Image source: Wiki.nus

Monday, December 12, 2022

The Economics of Cryptocurrencies

Watch the lecture by Eric Budish on the topic here. (1 hour 35 minutes)

For insights on  crypto GDP Sukuk, you can read the article in IsDBI blog.

Image: S&P Global | GFC Media Group

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Aksara Rencong

I came across the old Malay heritage of writing system, 'Rencong,' which was first found in central and South Sumatra. There is a rich history of the writing system, in which the economic of Rencong that interest me the most. You can read here.

In addition, there is also a Sufi poem Syair Perahu (The poem of the boat) and several other quatrains (pantun), probabaly written circa 1812. 

Looks like coding to me...

Image Source: Facebook

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Curbing Inflation

Latest article from the IMF Blog here.  An excerpt below on how policy mix matters in restraining inflation:

"...Central banks are raising interest rates to dampen demand and contain inflation, which in many countries is at its highest levels since the 1980s. Because rapid price gains are costly to society and detrimental to stable economic growth, monetary policy must act decisively.

While monetary policy has the tools to subdue inflation, fiscal policy can put the economy on a sounder long-term footing through investment in infrastructure, health care, and education; fair distribution of incomes and opportunities through an equitable tax and transfer system; and provision of basic public services. The overall fiscal balance, however, affects the demand for goods and services, and inflationary pressures..."

Source: IMF Blog

Musk, UK and EU's New Communication Regulations

According to this article,  Musk and Zuckerberg are promoting a version of free expression that defines censorship purely in terms of state ...