Saturday, February 26, 2022

3D Printed Meat

An excerpt below. Read the full article here. Wagyu, anyone?

"Now, what exactly is cultured meat? Cultured meat, otherwise known as cultivated meat, cell-based meat, or clean meat, is an emerging technology area that involves using cultured animal cells to create meat-like food products. Unlike plant-based meat or other meat analogues (like Impossible Burger or Beyond Meat), cultured meat is produced from the same cells as conventional meat and can theoretically provide an exact replica of the real thing, without requiring animal slaughter and at a fraction of the environmental cost. Over the last few years, enthusiasm around the cultured meat industry and its potential to disrupt the $1 trillion conventional meat industry has been growing. Since 2015, the sector has raised over $600 million in funding, growing from less than five companies to over fifty in the same time frame. In IDTechEx's "Cultured Meat 2021-2041: Technologies, Markets, Forecasts" report, the cultured meat industry is forecast to exceed $10 billion by 2041."

3D printed wagyu beef in Japan. Image credit - Interesting Engineering. 

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