Monday, February 28, 2022

The Night Journey - Isra' and Mi'raj

Today commemorates Isra and Mi'raj,  a journey that the Prophet Muhammad took during a single night around the year 621. Within Islam, it signifies both a physical and spiritual journey.

Here is eBook on 1,000 Mukjizat (Miracles) of Prophet Muhammad - in Malay language. Happy Reading. 

In It What's In It (Fihi Ma Fihi) - Rumi.

Image just for illustration - Credit: OutThereColorado

Sunday, February 27, 2022

NASA's Deep Space Food Challenge

 Excerpt. Read the full story here.

"Variety, nutrition, and taste are some considerations when developing food for astronauts. For NASA’s Deep Space Food Challenge, students, chefs, small businesses, and others whipped up novel food technology designs to bring new solutions to the table.

NASA has selected 18 U.S. teams to receive a total of $450,000 for ideas that could feed astronauts on future missions. Each team will receive $25,000. Additionally, NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) jointly recognized 10 international submissions."

Source: Youtube

Saturday, February 26, 2022

3D Printed Meat

An excerpt below. Read the full article here. Wagyu, anyone?

"Now, what exactly is cultured meat? Cultured meat, otherwise known as cultivated meat, cell-based meat, or clean meat, is an emerging technology area that involves using cultured animal cells to create meat-like food products. Unlike plant-based meat or other meat analogues (like Impossible Burger or Beyond Meat), cultured meat is produced from the same cells as conventional meat and can theoretically provide an exact replica of the real thing, without requiring animal slaughter and at a fraction of the environmental cost. Over the last few years, enthusiasm around the cultured meat industry and its potential to disrupt the $1 trillion conventional meat industry has been growing. Since 2015, the sector has raised over $600 million in funding, growing from less than five companies to over fifty in the same time frame. In IDTechEx's "Cultured Meat 2021-2041: Technologies, Markets, Forecasts" report, the cultured meat industry is forecast to exceed $10 billion by 2041."

3D printed wagyu beef in Japan. Image credit - Interesting Engineering. 

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Nostos and Algos

Nostalgia is a Greek word. From "Nostos" (missing) and "Algos" (pain). Listen to the hauntingly beautiful music, the score from the Movie 'In the Mood for Love (2000).'

"The roads gleam towards you

The oceans beckon towards you

A beauty beyond the lapping waves..."

Source: Youtube. Ink Painting: Gao Xingjian
Quote: 'You cannot read loss, only feel it'

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Three Policies for Recovery to end Pandemic

An article in the IMF Blog suggested three policies to end pandemic. You can read the full article here.

1.  Move away from singular focus of vaccines towards broader efforts to fight 'economic long-Covid.'

2.  Navigate monetary tightening cycle.

3.  Shift focus to fiscal sustainability.

Image credit - IMF Blog

Monday, February 14, 2022

Separating Signal from the Noise

An article from the IMF Blog on how the median measurement of inflation better reflects unemployment and other indicators of economic slack than either headline inflation or the traditional core measure.

Source: IMF Blog

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Brexit: Fishing in Troubled Waters

Tension is building up between the UK and France over post-Brexit fishing licenses. 

Below is excerpt from The Economist ,  Nov 24th, 2018.

"On December 11th 1975 an Icelandic coastguard vessel came across a group of British ships sheltering from a storm in a fjord and ordered them to leave. The minesweeper collided with one of the British boats. Shots were fired; first blanks, then live ammunition. London sent in a frigate force. Reykjavik took the incident to the un. And all because of fish. The incident, more evocative of 18th-century gunboat diplomacy than modern relations between liberal democracies, played out at the height of the “cod wars” over fishing rights. Rival trawlers frequently rammed each other. The conflict even affected the cold war: Britain felt itself obliged to divert naval ships from patrols of the North Atlantic to guard North Sea trawlers. Iceland ultimately got its way by threatening to leave NATO."

Image credit - Capital Finance International

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Confidence and The Goldilocks Effect

Brian Bigham on self-confidence

"...The goal is to have the confidence to take chances, try new things, and believe in one’s judgment while trying to be realistic and make sound decisions. Confidence is based on facts and figures while overconfidence is based on suppositions and speculation. Knowing your own abilities is confidence but thinking you’re the only capable person is overconfidence. Confidence says simply, I can do this work, while overconfidence says only I can do this work. Self-confidence gives a person the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that the world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person."

Facts & Figures.

Image credit - CMT Insurance

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Fallen Astronaut

There is a documentary film "The Fallen Astronaut" released in 2020. Read the article here (a digitised version of 1972 from The Times archive).

Image credit - Youtube

Most Influential Paper in 2020

Here is the list of top cited papers, according to Google Scholar. Mostly on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

1.“Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization” (2015)

International Conference on Learning Representations | 47,774 citations

2.“Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks” (2015)

Neural Information Processing Systems | 19,507 citations

3.“Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning” (2015)

Nature | 10,394 Citations

4.“Attention Is All You Need” (2017)

Neural Information Processing Systems | 9,885 citations

5.“The Third International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3)” (2016)

JAMA |  8,576 citations

6.“limma powers differential expression analyses for RNA-sequencing and microarray studies” (2015)

Nucleic Acids Research | 8,328 citations

7.“Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search” (2016)

Nature | 8,209 citations

Image credit - PLOS

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


Image credit - CartoonStock

Source - Youtube.
Adagio by Lara Fabian.

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...