Thursday, January 6, 2022

Mare Tranquillitatis

What I appreciate the most is the knowledge gained after watching drama series. 'The Silent Sea' is a Netflix South Korea's sci-fi mystery thriller streaming television series. Read further and you will discover how Choi Hang-yong, the writer and the director's of the drama own-up to the eponymous title.


"Astronomers Francesco Grimaldi and Giovanni Battista Riccioli were the first to use the phrase Mare Tranquillitatis in 1651 in the lunar map they created, called ‘Almagestum novum.’ Another astronomer, Michael van Langren, named the location “Mare Belgicum” in ‘Lumina Austriaca Philippica’ in 1641. Even though Mare Belgicum was coined earlier as a phrase, Mare Tranquillitatis is the one that stuck."

Image credit - The Cinemaholic. 'The Silent Sea'

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