Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Book Review - Companionship in Thought

This article from the LSE Impact Blog conveys my thought. Doing a Book Review is time consuming, but it is worthwhile.


"In a piece for a collection on The Craft of Knowledge, Les Back has recently suggested that reading is ‘companionship in thought’. The book review is one expression of that companionship, while also being an expression of our companionship with our fellow thinkers. For this reason, along with the others I’ve suggested here, I think we need to actively defend the writing of book reviews. Perhaps we should approach book reviews as a very minor form of resistance: a space in which we declare our interest in the value of knowledge, debate and dialogue; a space that we use to put a notion of collective knowledge ahead of the pressure for individualised contributions. The book review presents us with an opportunity to show that we value the things that might otherwise be lost in the logic of the systems that govern our research. We may even find that by defending the book review, the other aspects of our work might be enriched anyway."

Image credit - The Book Commentary

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Oppenheimer and Oscar Economics

This  article  is quite long, but has important modern implications.  Source: Michael Ramirez, The Gazette.