Monday, November 22, 2021

CORE - A New Economics Curriculum

Excerpt from the Article:

"In a sense, the critics of Samuelson’s textbook were right: an introductory economics curriculum has high political stakes. Samuelson was hardly a communist, but it was certainly true that he wanted to influence American politics. “I don’t care who writes a nation’s laws—or crafts its advanced treaties—if I can write its economics textbooks,” he wrote, in 1990. “The first lick is the privileged one, impinging on the beginner’s tabula rasa at its most impressionable state.”

The article did not mention Islamic Economics. CORE adopters should read Iqtisaduna.

Learn a new vocabulary today: tabula rasa.

Source: Pinterest

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Oppenheimer and Oscar Economics

This  article  is quite long, but has important modern implications.  Source: Michael Ramirez, The Gazette.