Thursday, October 28, 2021

Muscular Writing and Stephen King

I attended a workshop on scriptwriting recently. Found this quote below. 

There are a few movies recommended during the workshop. You might want to watch them.  'Misery, A Separation, As Above So Below' etc.  

I just finished watching Minari. Will watch 'Nomad' this weekend. These two movies have nothing to do with Stephen King. However, they are award-winning movies.  


Jirisan National Park is the largest national park in Korea. Jirisan is the title of a newly released K-Drama. If you like a mountain scenery, the cinematography is splendid. 

Here is the OST 'Destiny' by Kim Feel. While you are at it, why not listen to 'Youth' as well (from Reply 1988)?

Credit - Youtube

Credit - Youtube
Here is an update. The song is originally released by a rock band Salnurim in 1981.  Kim Chang-wan, the original member of Salnurim, participated in the remake.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Nation Talking to Itself

How true, especially during Covid-19 pandemic. Different shapes of economic recovery for each nation.

Here is an article written in August 2021 discussing Four Themes related to economic recovery post-pandemic. According to the article, the background is rising debt, inflation resurgence and competitive dynamics between the US and China. A good snapshot of the current state of the world economy. 

Image credit source unknown.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Debt to the Future

The article is written in 2020. New Zealand as the background. About debt recovery post-pandemic.

Image credit - From the Article, by Toby Morris

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Economy Will Thrive

An article discussing global future outlook after the pandemic. You can read it here.

The coronavirus outbreak is forcing us to embrace a new economic system' -  Erasmus Magazine

Image credit - Erasmus Magazine

Netflix, Squid Game and iQiYi

I was asking myself how did Netflix manage to penetrate the global market and become household name in such a short period of time. I have posted another entry earlier on Netflix's quest for technology. While reading, I come across iQiYi. Well, actually the rage on the 'Squid Game' lead me to iQiYi.

Excerpt from one of the review of 'Squid Game':

"...his project manages to juggle themes of social inequality, immigration, honor, the thin veneer of "civilization", conspiracy & loyalty without dropping any of them."

So, first Netflix. Then Squid Game. Afterwards iQiYi. I wonder if a movie on economic recovery will have the same impact. 

NO, I haven't watch 'Squid Game' yet. Will do so to verify the claim of the writer that it is all about "capitalism." It took 10 years for the creator of the project to bring the show to the audience. You can read some of the interesting, polarised reviews here

iQiyi hits 100 million users, grows faster than Netflix | AlphaStreet

Image credit - AlphaStreet

Friday, October 15, 2021

Google and The Marketing for Donut-Shaped Mini Stereo

Out of the Box marketing strategies. Read the story here. Yes, it is a donut-shaped Google Home Mini speaker.

Google Home Mini Donut Shop – Experiential Marketing News

Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Bamboo Art Space

Nansha Bird Park. What a wonderful creative design using bamboo infused with traditional heritage and nature. 

Bird watching, anyone? Inside the Turtle-shaped pavilion.

Nansha Wetland Park: A paradise of birds - CGTN

Image credit - CGTN

Image credit - Pinterest . Turtle-shaped bamboo shelter design.

The Science of Economic Growth

Another latest article in the IMF Blog on how basic research, or the composition of R&D,  is important in for long run growth. The prove is in the search for Covid-19 vaccines. The research rely on past study as far back as 20 years ago. 

Proxy for innovation - patents.

Image credit - IMF Blog

Friday, October 8, 2021

A Net Zero Collaboration on Carbon Tax

An excerpt on the article from Forbes, Sept 16, 2021.

"An on-ramp for synethic fuels

Infinium, a California-based electrofuels solution provider, has more than 10 years of research and development in combining carbon dioxide and hydrogen to make emission-free fuels. It's now collaborating on commercialization with huge corporations, including MHI and Amazon.

"When I look at what investment partnerships can do for the company, it's well beyond the money," says Infinium's CEO, Robert Schuetzle. "We want the right mix of partners to advance the business." The company is actively working on development of commercial-scale applications of its technology, which uses renewable power and captured carbon dioxide to produce net zero fuels."

trees in the shape of human heads

Image credit - SHUTTERSTOCK

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Latest on Gig Economy

Is the Gig economy moving towards the right direction? 

2021 updates from the this article, which I took a snippet below:

"Say gig economy and people will think of:

Uber/Lyft drivers

TaskRabbit workers

Airbnb landlords

Online marketplace sellers



But the list should also include:

On-call workers

Multiple job holders

Contingent and part-time workers

Highly skilled contractors

Seasonal workers


And many others." 

'Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited.

Imagination encircles the world'


'Knowledge is like a wild animal and writing is a strap to tie it.'

 - Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A.

Zero Hours Contract Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

Credit image - CartoonStock

China's Hollywood Tinseltown

The largest film studio in Asia, where the latest Disney's Mulan was filmed, and numerous others famed film, including 'Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon' and 'Hero.' You can read the story here and watch the video below.

While you are at it, why not listen to Allen Ren's OST Walls in Mind. If you often listen to Wang Xi, you will enjoy the song by Allen. 

Credit - CGTN Youtube

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Create Your Future

You can read the 3-minutes article posted in Byte size economics blog here.

According to the article, trend keeps changing over time. You can't necessarily predict accurately, but you can always plan. 

USA unemployment rate 2015 - 2021 including COVID-19

Image credit - ByteSize Economics

Cartoon of Motivated Businessman Holding Future an Arrow Sign and Walking  in Circle Stock Vector - Illustration of motivation, frustration: 114211935

Image credit -

Monday, October 4, 2021

Evergrande: Too Big to Fail?

It is all about Evergrande and the financial implications to the world. Below is a snippet from BBC news:

"The very serious potential fallout of such a heavily-indebted company collapsing has led some analysts to suggest that Beijing may step in to rescue it.

The EIU's Mattie Bekink thinks so: "Rather than risk disrupting supply chains and enraging homeowners, we think the government will probably find a way to ensure Evergrande's core business survives."

Others though are not sure..."

- Peter Hoskins and Katie Silver

A House of Cards — Radio Free Asia

Image credit - Radio Free Asia

Is it Good or Is it Bad?

 Graph cartoon showing 'Economic Indicators' – Ref: 8291bw | Business  cartoons

Image credit - Business Cartoons

Friday, October 1, 2021

Chinese History Version of Money

I come across 'The Grumpy Economist' Blog of John H. Cochrane - the Inflationista. Interesting post and commentaries on money and the history in China. Please read them.

MONETARY REGIMES - CounterStrikeMedia

Image credit - Monetary Regimes by CounterStrikeMedia

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...