Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Defining Creativity

Excerpt from the article.

"In October 2018 the British auction house Christie’s became the first to sell a work of art created by an algorithm.

The painting, Portrait of Edmond Belamy, was sold for $432,500, which was much more than anyone had been expecting. This groundbreaking sale created some controversy, not least in the AI art world itself."

Edmond de Belamy - Wikipedia

Image credit - Wikipedia.

Potret of Edmond Belamy. The following information is cnp from Google Search:

"The Belamy series was created via machine learning by the Paris-based arts collective known as “Obvious.” They fed thousands of portraits into an algorithm, effectively teaching the machine portraiture techniques of the 18th century. The result was a series of 11 images known as the fictional “La Famille de Belamy.”

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