Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CERI - Covid Economic Recovery Index


"COVID Economic Recovery Index (CERI) that measures the degree to which countries have the right policies, institutions, and factors in place to rapidly recover to pre-COVID-19 levels of socioeconomic performance.1 The index covers three elements:
Health Resilience measures the extent to which a country is exposed to the risk of major health effects due to COVID-19, including through health system capacity, pre-existing health risk factors, and pandemic preparedness.
Absorptive Capacity describes the degree to which a country’s economy will be affected by the COVID-19 crisis, e.g. due to reliance on vulnerable sectors, international connectivity, social resilience, or labour-market performance.
Economic Resilience reflects a country’s capacity to recover and rebuild to pre-COVID-19 levels (Halegatte 2014). It is influenced by factors such as labour market adaptability, governance, and social capital, but also financial system robustness."


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