Monday, October 19, 2020

Fed, the ECB and Japan on Rollout for Digital Currency

The article (in Malay) on Bitcoin. Seems like digital currency is a hot debated topic lately. In another article, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) is confident that no digital currency, yuan included, will dominate the market. There are both pros and cons on the topic. Good to educate ourselves so that we can make informed decisions. 

On another development, an article in October said the Fed, ECB and BOJ are preparing rollout for digital currency. Excerpt below by the BOJ:

"Digitalization has advanced in various areas at home and abroad on the back of rapid development of information communication technology. There is a possibility of a surge in public demand for central bank digital currency (CBDC) going forward, considering the rapid development of technological innovation. While the Bank of Japan currently has no plan to issue CBDC, from the viewpoint of ensuring the stability and efficiency of the overall payment and settlement systems, the Bank considers it important to prepare thoroughly to respond to changes in circumstances in an appropriate manner."

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