Monday, June 1, 2020

Netflix as the Game Changer for Cable Television

I was looking for some other materials when I stumble upon Netflix and its visionary goals.  Netflix's Million Dollar Challenge started in 2006. The mission is as below: 

"Make the company's recommendation engine 10% more accurate -- or die coding...And while a million dollars created attention, it was the data set -- over 100 million ratings of 17,770 movies from 480,189 customers -- that had number-crunching nuts salivating. There was nothing like it at the time. There hasn't been anything quite like it since."

Now, Netflix is so successful among the Millennial. I believe the Millenial should learn coding.
You can read the full story on the Netflix Challenge here

Note: There is a movie titled 'Game Changers' streaming in Netflix in 2018. Synopsis: 'A quest to find the optimal diet for human performance and health.' The movie is produced by Jackie Chan, Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron. 

The Netflix Challenge Parallel Collaborative Filtering James Jolly ...Pic. Simple yet powerful. A Business Leader. 

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