Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Free eBook Template to Work on During MCO

There are many free template eBook for you to start writing a Book. Just search for them in the Internet. Here is one informative video from Jason Whaling. He is using Canva.

MacBook has photo album, which you can easily convert into eBook. I have the older version of Mac and I have (incomplete) two Albums on the rack. It contains a combination of my favourite pictures and poetic words. 

I plan to convert Muqaddimah into a shorter, simpler version of eBook. The purpose is to encourage people to read. More importantly, read Muqaddimah. So far, I have the title of the eBook: IqtiStory. A combination of Iqtisad + Story. Iqtisad means Economics. Muqaddimah means An Introduction. 
On the other note, have you seen the trailer for MasterClass with world's well-known instructors? It will cost you USD180 and was introduced in 2015. It was part of MOOC (massive open online courses). The Instructors are international stars like Serena William, James Patterson, Jeffery Archer, Anna Wintour and Gordon Ramsay. 

There are fields such as game design with Sims creator Will Wright; economics with Nobel laureate Paul Krugman; and space exploration with Chris Hadfield. Check it out in this article.

MasterClass: Learn from the best - Apps on Google PlayPic. Some of the Instructors for MasterClass

Monday, March 30, 2020

IMF Blog on Special Series COVID-19

IMF's Blog highlights recent event happening in the world. At present, the posts are all about  COVID-19. The articles are short but insightful. The posts on measures limiting the impact of COVID-19 are beneficial. 
Here is the link to the Blog.

COVID-19: The economic policy response | VOX, CEPR Policy PortalPic. Top Policy Responses to COVID-19

Global Economic Outlook: COVID-19 has taken a hold of the global ...Pic. Global Economic Growth

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ayman Rashan Wong dan Teori Ekonomi John Maynard Keynes

Please follow Brother Ayman Rashdan Wong's writing. His analysis is clear and concise. I especially like the time when he uses Arabic letters mapping his ideas. A lot more young writers like him, the country can benefit from the discussions. 

One of his recent post was on COVIC-19 in USA and how the country is handling it. He quoted post-war John Maynard Keynes's economic policy of deficit financing to promote growth. Any undergraduate students of Economics study is familiar with the theory.  I hope, one day, Ayman will cover Iqtisaduna and Muqaddimah. 

Excerpt from Ayman's writing: '...dari segi geopolitik, COVID-19 sedang "membunuh" idea globalisasi yang telah mendominasi dunia selama 30 tahun yang lepas...'

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by John ...

Fiscal Control Cartoons and Comics - funny pictures from CartoonStock

WFH and Stay UltraProductive

2 weeks into WFH. 2 more weeks to go. How to stay productive and healthy? The following article has great tips.

How To Stay Motivated While Working From Home | SimpleTexting

10 Best Apps for Working Remotely From Home

Saturday, March 28, 2020

PRIHATIN 1 & 2: Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package

The RM250 billion economic stimulus package (PRIHATIN) announced by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on Friday, 27 March 2020 concentrates on reviving the economy. The first part of the budget, Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi PRE2020 was announced by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on February 27, 2020.

The breakdown of PRIHATIN:

RM128b  - on welfare and well being, comprises 51%
RM100b - strengthen the nation's economy, comprises 41%
RM22b - direct fiscal stimulus package, PRE1 20b, PRE2 2b, comprises 8%

Fiscal Deficit

According to Tan Sri Wahid Omar, PRE1 increases fiscal deficit to 3.4% of GDP
PRE2 will widen the deficit to 6.2% of GDP
However, there are measures that government can take to reduce the deficit 4.6% of GDP. This is to maintain Malaysia's present rating of A3/A-
A fiscal deficit of more than 5% of GDP will put pressure on international rating.

It is unfortunate that we cannot reduce the deficit to below 3% after trying for so many years. However, at this moment, this is the best that we can do. Hopefully, the second global negative impact of globalisation (the first one was Global Financial Crisis 2007/2008 - GFC) will strengthen domestic demand.

A few days ago, IMF confirmed that the world is indeed in recession. This time, it probably would be worse than the GFC.
Prudent spending, Mak Cik Kiah. Be financial literate.

The article by Tan Sri Wahid Omar is available at the following links.
English version.
Malay version.

Sivakumar on Twitter: "JP Morgan's Eye on the Market has a nice ...Pic. Current Account Position

The State of the Nation: Malaysia has room to pump-prime, revise 3 ...Pic. Budget Deficit since 1998

Friday, March 27, 2020

A Good Book on 5000 Years of Debt

When writing on a specific topic, I spend hours browsing Internet searching for information. Came across this eBook titled 'Debt: The First 5,000 Years' by David Graeber.  A 542 pages book published in 2011. Influential book - says Guardian.

At the time when governments of the world struggling to find the right medicine for the the whole economy, not just for the health system, this book might help. Prudent management is the key.

COVID-19. Calming. Coping. Cool. 

Below is a video of David Graeber promoting his book (1 hour 21 minutes. There are other videos as well. Take your pick). In the Vid., he started with morality issue. There was an example of an epidemic case as well. How apt!

Debt: The First 5000 Years: David Graeber: 9780143422716: Amazon ...Pic. The Book

Debt collectors that 'sue, sue, sue' can squeeze Washington state ...Pic. An example of what debt can do to you.

Instafamous Makcik Kiah and Till the Dust Settles

The RM250billion economic stimulus package, dubbed Pakej Rangsangan Ekonomi Prihatin Rakyat. A thoughtful budget. But recession is looming in the air. Perhaps Digital economy could mitigate the situation. Till the Dust Settles. Makcik Kiah, what say you? ^_^

Pic. An excerpt from the Pakej Prihatin. Makcik Kiah, the Nation got your back.

Pic. The Instafamous Makcik Kiah. Trending on SocMed. Hold on girl, Till the Dust Settles...

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Public Good, Education and 5G Connectivity

The Covic-19 raise awareness on the importance of public good. Below is an interesting reading.
There are controversial debates on 5G connectivity.

The point is, like what the author of the article suggests, innovation is often a public good.

China is currently ahead of the US in the 5G race | AlphaStreetPic. 5G Pattern Filing in the World

Corona Virus Bond and Pandemic Bond

The pandemic Covic-19 spurs bond rally everywhere and creates bond bonanza in China. This non-traditional source of financial risk will test the resilience of global bond market. What would be the impact on Sukuk? Will covic-19 be the bonding experience for the world?

Things to ponder.


Image result for images of trade during covid 19

Article - Comic Explainer: How Does Islamic Finance Work?

Very interesting cartoon illustration on Islamic finance, riba and debt. Recommended as an ice-breaking exercise during presentation/training. 

My research area is Sukuk Economics. Planning to do cartoon illustration on Sukuk as well. Will call it "Sukutoonist." So far, it is only an idea. Plotagon is useful, but for a short duration.  Let's innovate. Muslim scholars have long point out that wealth of nations originates in innovation.

My inspiration in Comics? Calvin and Hobbes and Brenda Starr.
Someone introduced Calvin and Hobbes to me in my mid-20s. Below is the last version of the comic and the url. I still keep one newspaper version of the Comic.

Post imagePic. Calvin and Hobbes

During my secondary school, aeon ago :)), I never miss Brenda Starr - the Great Reporter. The comic ended in 2011. My favourite part is the stars in her eyes. My late father used to buy 3 newspapers for us to read during weekend. One is English version. Al-Fatihah and May Allah grant him Jannah.

Pic. Brenda Starr

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Work From Home (WFH)

During the 2 weeks of WFH (work from home) starting March 18 until March 31st 2020, I did some readings. Come across Ms Suraya's personal finance blog Ringgit oh Ringgit (RoR). Interesting, even-though I expect more on the movements of ringgit. She focuses on financial aspect. It is light reading and educational, though.
Do visit her Blog. ^_^

Pic: My personal collection. Seed from long beans. Home Gardening.

Product Highlight Sheet for Sukuk

Just come across the information that Prospectus for Sukuk or Bond can also use Product Highlight Sheet. Read the article below.
'Bond Issuers no longer required to issue prospectus when making disclosure'

I google one example. Found Maybank Malaysia Sukuk Fund at url below. Great exercise for the student. Somehow it is difficult to grasp the abstract term. The Fact Sheet helps a lot.

Pic: Water. Source of Life. Green Sukuk.

Good Book on Gamification

I have developed a great interest in gamification lately. It is a whole new world. It is expected that gamification will be an important learning tools in the digital economy. Here are two interesting reading materials.

Publication trends in gamification: A systematic mapping study by Jussi Kasurinen and Antti Knutas.
The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses by Jesse Schell.

The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses, Third Edition - PDF Free ...Pic. The Book The Art of Game Design. 3rd Edition already...

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...