Friday, July 29, 2022

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Semiconductors Woes

 An excerpt from the full article:

"Historically, semiconductor stocks have been a key barometer for the broader stock market and economy. Chips are used in a broad range of industries that are important for growth: appliances, data centers, gaming and artificial intelligence.

If conditions are weak for chips, it raises questions about demand in other segments of the economy..."

Source: McKinsey & Company

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Gas Supply Shut-Off

A recent article in the IMF blog on the economic impact  of a Russian natural gas shut-off could impact the Europe's economies.  

Here is an excerpt from the article on how to address the challenges:

"Governments must boost efforts to secure supplies from global LNG markets and alternative sources, continue to alleviate infrastructure bottlenecks to import and distribute gas, plan to share supplies in an emergency across the EU, act decisively to encourage energy savings while protecting vulnerable households, and prepare smart gas rationing programs."

Source: IMF Blog

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Essential Oils Market

Just bought an essential oil of Lavender + Sandalwood. Next to it, in the picture, is homegrown rose apple.

Rumi's quote on Happiness: 

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

Yesterday, my rose apple tree (jambu air in Malay) has produce its first fruit. At the same time, I am reading essential oils and oil carrier. You can read the economics of essential oils here.

Personal Collection

Source: Grand View Research

Friday, July 22, 2022

The Prices of Coffee in Five Decades

After dominating the headlines in the Unites States, inflation has become the global issue. Inflation is rising due to several factors. Among them are Covid-19, the release of pent-up demand and the Russian-Ukraine war.  This article shows how inflation has changed the price of coffee from 1970 until 2022, among others.

Source: Investopedia.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Global Oil Prices

Here is an article in the Washington Post on rising oil prices due to labor shortages, shutting refineries and Russia-Ukraine war. 

Source: Washington Post

Monday, July 18, 2022

Rising Inflation

Here is an article on on the rising inflation in 2022 by Paul Donovan, the Chief Economist of UBS. You can read the 7 tips on how to survive the rising prices, namely:

1.  Eliminate unnecessary expenses.

2.  Shop for groceries differently.

3.  Reduce your home’s energy bill.

4.  Don't waste gas.

5.  Pay off your debt.

6.  Increase your income.

7. Keep saving for the future.

Credit: Bill Bramhall / Tribune Content Agency

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

The Dancing Robot

Watch the video below. Do you think there should be a robot tax?

Source: Youtube

Monday, July 11, 2022

Pahlawan Mat Kilau (in Malay)

Terbaru, filem kepahlawanan Mat Kilau mendapat sambutan baik rakyat Malaysia. Anak-anak muda kembali mewarnai dunia persilatan warisan Melayu. Jika dahulu, tulisan Jawi menjadi pemangkinan kemerdekaan negara, Mat Kilau mengembalikan seni warisan persilatan melayu kepada generasi muda. Renaissance.

A short article from Tinta Minda here (in Malay).

Image credit: Dewan Budaya

Friday, July 8, 2022

The AV Self-Driving Car Ethical Dilemmas

I came across the Autonomous Vehicle (AV) ethical dilemma programming requirement. Further reading lead me to the train dilemma, in the short video below. You can also watch the MIT Ethical Survey TedTalk video here.  Making decisions are not easy, but we can learn a lot from these two videos.

Source: Youtube

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Jabir Ibn Hayyan - The Great Alchemist

I was watching this drama series on alchemy and did some research. Come across this interesting article of the great Islamic Alchemist, Jabir Ibn Hayyan. You can read the full article here.

Another short-read on the 4 important elements of modern chemistry: earth, fire, water and air. 

Jabir Ibn Hayyan description of Alembic in 8th century.
Source: Wikimedia

Monday, July 4, 2022

Cut Cut Cut Tax Act

discussion of the growth effects of the Cut Cut Cut Act by Paul Krugman. An excerpt below:

"...most discussion of the growth effects of the Cut Cut Cut Act, such as they may be, focuses on the wrong measure. GDP might go up because lower corporate taxes will draw in foreign capital; but this capital will demand and receive returns, which mean that part of the gain in domestic production is offset by investment income received by foreigners. As a result, GNI – income of domestic residents – will rise less than GDP. And surely, as in Ireland with its leprechaun economy based on low corporate taxes, GNI is the measure you want to focus on."

Image credit: CartoonStock

Saturday, July 2, 2022

The World's First Fine Art NFT and Insta-Poet Arch Hades

Arch Hades, from London,  sold an NFT (sometimes pronounce nifties) poem, titled Arcadia, selling for more $525,00 at Christie's New York. Her first book, 'High Tide', was in the international best seller list in 2019. At present, she is the highest paid contemporary poet. 

A list of Books  highly recommended by Arch Hades:

Joseph Brodsky – Uncommon Visage 

A stunning essay about aesthetics that won him the Nobel Prize for Literature, and he deserves it. 

W Somerset Maugham – The Painted Veil 

Maugham was the highest paid author of his time and I get why. The way he captures emotional evolution within each character is stunning. 

Ivan Turgenev – First Love  

An enchanting description of a boy falling in love for the first time, with a tragic end, typical of first love. 

Kurt Vonnegut – Slaughterhouse 5 

The most interesting depiction of time and human life within it. 

For poetry, she recommended Rumi, among many.

Musk, UK and EU's New Communication Regulations

According to this article,  Musk and Zuckerberg are promoting a version of free expression that defines censorship purely in terms of state ...