Monday, May 31, 2021

Pandemic Treaty

WHO has suggested a 'Pandemic Treaty.' It involves global cooperation for a sustainable and flexible funding.

Banx | Financial Times

Image credit - Financial Times

6 Trade War Battles of USA-China

The PIIE (Peterson Institute for International Economics) listed the timeline for 6 different trade war battles between USA and China. The Jury is still out in same cases.

Everstream Analytics Special Reports - US China Trade War Tariff Hikes

Image credit - Everstream Analytics

U.S.-CHINA TRADE WAR TIMELINE - Global Trade Magazine

Image credit - Global Trade Magazine

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Friday, May 28, 2021

The BTS Meal Tour

The latest craze for the K-Pop Idol music fan. Top-up with their latest 4 BillBoard Music Awards 2021. What is their secret to success?  Hard work.

Check-out their latest choreography MV with the new song release "Butter."

The BTS Meal, "tour" schedule (Photo: Courtesy of McDonald's)

Image credit: Tatler Malaysia - courtesy of McDonald's

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Taxing Digital Economy


"Now that digital commerce accounts for more than a third of its economy, China is looking for ways to more effectively tax domestic e-commerce titans like Alibaba, Tencent and Didi Chuxing.

It's a huge and growing target for filling government coffers. In 2019, the nation's digital economy generated 35.8 trillion yuan ($5.52 trillion) of revenue, accounting for 36% of China's GDP, according to the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. The digital economy has expanded much faster than the rest of the economy over the past decade."

Digital Tax Around The World: What To Know About New Tax Rules - Quaderno

Digital Tax Around the World - Image Credit: Quaderno

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Pelayaran Panglima Awang aka Enrique de Malacca

Know your History. A Good reminder from Emeritus Professor Dato Dr. Wan Hashim Wan Teh in Tinta Minda, BERNAMA (Malay Article). Awang, orang Melayu pertama yang mengelilingi dunia

Image credit -

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Friday, May 21, 2021

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Netflix vs Adam Smith

 Economic Interconnection.

Image credit

Economic Shocks of Coronavirus Crisis

March 2020's article from the Harvard Business Review on understanding the economic shocks of coronavirus. There is also a short 4.17 minutes video explaining the alphabets of economic recovery.

Image credit -Harvard  Business Review

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Collection of Award Winning Case Studies

Informative site on case studies at IBS Hyderabad, India. They also listed a collection of award-winning case studies. some authors are blogging on short case studies. The price per case is reasonable. Visit them for a refreshing look at playing CEO's roles in challenging situation.

Case studies on_strategy

Image credit - SlideShare IBS

Life Kit During Covid-19

Need a Hobby?  'Life Kit - How to Find a Hobby During the Pandemic' in the article below. A 2-minute read.

A cross-stitch that reads "Get A Hobby" in magenta thread is surrounded by cross-stitched flowers and contained in a hoop. The hoop rests on a magenta background. A needle with a piece of dark yellow thread rests on the cross-stitch.

Image credit - from the Article.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

One-To-One Concert During Covid-19

For your ears only. What an interesting idea to keep the economy running during the crisis. It also minimises social contact and keeps everyone safe. Good therapy, especially for music lovers. I wonder what Yiruma, the Korean pianist would say (I wrote about Yiruma in another posting).

Image credit -Ed Lefkowicz/Brooklyn Academy of Music

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Gesell's Tax

Excerpt from Dr. Suwailem's article, taken from the IRTI Blog:

"This is a shift from the prevailing rule that the SDR can be used only by central banks of the member countries of the IMF. However, this shift is motivated by the need to have a sustainable source of funding sustainable development. Sustainable development is a public good, and only institutions like the IMF and the MDBs can offer this good to the global economy.

It should be noted that the proposal to use SDR to support development is different from the prevalent proposals to use the SDR as a global currency or "helicopter money". We think that restricting the new role of the SDR to target sustainable development will be of especially added value to the world economy."

IRTI's Blog on Gesell's tax:

LSE's article on Gesell's solution:

Negative rates and Gesell taxes: how low are we talking here? | Financial  Times

Image credit - Financial Times

silvio gesell | money reform |interest |anarchism |currency |banking |  theory of interest | gold

Image credit - GG Preparata, Geselll 1862 - 1930

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Trilemma

We are now entering the 4th wave of Covid-19. Hopefully the pandemic will end soon. Latest article in the IMF Blog talks about policymakers' trilemma in handling the health crisis that turn into an economic crisis later. 


"This is the situation facing many finance ministers in sub-Saharan Africa today. And they face three immediate challenges: Firstly, to meet increased spending needs; secondly, to contain a pronounced increase in public debt, and finally, to mobilize more tax revenues."

Image credit - IMF Blog

Monday, May 10, 2021

Crypto Sukuk

An article by the Acting Director General of IRTI, Dr. Sami Al-Suwailem on crypto Sukuk in the link below.


"But the underlying technology, the blockchain technology and the cryptographic techniques, are obviously of immense potential. The question, however, is how to apply these technologies productively. One such application is in the area of Islamic capital markets instruments, particularly Sukuk.

Sukuk are commonly defined as “Islamic bonds”, which is unfortunate. Sukuk, as characterized by AAOIFI standards and many other authentic sources, include both fixed and variable income modes of finance, and thus they cover both risk-sharing and debt-based structures."

Blossom SmartSukuk for Capital Markets Regulators
Image credit - SlideShare

World-First Blockchain Sukuk Reports 12.94% Annualized Profit
Image credit - Blossom Finance

Sunday, May 9, 2021

USD as Reserves Currency Drops to 25-Year Low


"During periods of US dollar weakness against major currencies, the US dollar’s share of global reserves generally declines since the US dollar value of reserves denominated in other currencies increases (and vice versa in times of US dollar strength). In turn, US dollar exchange rates can be influenced by several factors, including diverging economic paths between the United States and other economies, differences in monetary and fiscal policies, as well as foreign exchange sales and purchases by central banks."

Source - IMF Blog

China's Rebalancing

Excerpt from the World Bank Group Report 2021:

"Moreover, as China seeks to rebalance its economy from investment to a more innovation- and services-driven growth model, it will need to embrace the growth potential of its most developed and innovative metropolitan areas and city clusters, shifting the growth pole back to the coastal regions. Against this backdrop, policies to foster market integration and reduce spatial frictions in factor markets would enable a more efficient spatial allocation of labor and capital, harnessing the benefits of agglomeration and urbanization."

Why China Rebalancing Is Good for Asian Stocks | Barron's

Image credit - Barron's

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Robinhood of Covid-19

Value transfer vs Value creation vs Value leverage. The article in the link below, taken from the Byte Size Economics Blog focusing on value creation. A good 4-min read.

6 Ways Marketers Can Deliver More Value

Image credit - Forbes

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Consumer Product Safety in the Digital Age

The OECD has outlined recommendations for Consumer Product Safety. This is in response to the changing landscape of consumer demand in the digital age. Among them are:  "consumer right to safe products, evidence-based product safety laws, comparable approaches to systematic risk management, information sharing between government authorities and businesses, and special consideration for the needs of vulnerable consumers."

Consumer Product Safety - OECD

Image credit - OECD

Islamic Finance Post Covid-10

An article written by the Senior Economist at IRTI, Halymun Izhar. He highlights 5 possible trends in Islamic finance post-pandemic:

1. Changes in social norm and values.

2. Digital economy may change the way we do business.

3. Emergence of new asset classifications 

4. Birth of a new global currency.

5. Moving from globalization to regionalization.

Islamic finance tools during and post COVID Source: adopted from Hassan...  | Download Scientific Diagram

Image credit - ResearchGate: Hassan et al., 2021

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Malaysia's PondokStay

Muslim-friendly new concept of tourism. It would be similar to Youn's stay, perhaps. Youn Stay introduces Korean culinary and life-style to others visiting Korea during the pandemic. PondokStay is a creative Islamic Tourism product.’s-pondokstay-concept-lauded-as-creative-islamic-tourism-product

Warisan | Yayasan Al-Jenderami

Image credit - Yayasan Al-Jenderami

The Trust Machine

What makes the machine trustworthy? Read the article below from the IRTI's Blog.

Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) | LinkedIn

Image credit - IRTI homepage

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...