I am preparing for a program in early March. Come across this blog, reviewing good and bad typography. However the latest entry was in 2014. I really hope the Blogger would continue his posting. Digital art graphic is a promising career now. I posted below some of his reviews on good and bad typography.

"This is an example of good typography. One can observe how the shape and heaviness of the letter can manipulate the boldness of the particular space thus creating more contrast. A heavier the letters carry more weight which can create more contrast. The thinner letters carry less weight which subsequently can lead to less contrast. .. Another interesting element is the use of perspective. as if the weight and contrast of the text dont already have enough contrast, the further towards the pictures vanishing point you go, the smaller the text gets which is another visual effect created by the desire of perspective."

"This is an example of bad typography. What makes it bad is the layout of the text. EVERYTHING is too close together. The letters in each work are too close. The space between the lines are too small..."
Image credit - Omari's Digitality