Saturday, February 27, 2021

On Typography

I am preparing for a program in early March. Come across this blog, reviewing good and bad typography.  However the latest entry was in 2014. I really hope the Blogger would continue his posting. Digital art graphic is a promising career now. I posted below some of his reviews on good and bad typography. 


"This is an example of good typography. One can observe how the shape and heaviness of the letter can manipulate the boldness of the particular space thus creating more contrast. A heavier the letters carry more weight which can create more contrast. The thinner letters carry less weight which subsequently can lead to less contrast. .. Another interesting element is the use of perspective. as if the weight and contrast of the text dont already have enough contrast, the further towards the pictures vanishing point you go, the smaller the text gets which is another visual effect created by the desire of perspective."


"This is an example of bad typography. What makes it bad is the layout of the text. EVERYTHING is too close together. The letters in each work are too close. The space between the lines are too small..."

Image credit - Omari's Digitality

Friday, February 26, 2021

Digital Economy will be an Ordinary Economy

What is Digital Economy? The article below says much has been written about it, but an explanation is hardly given. An Excerpt:

"The digital economy is a term that captures the impact of digital technology on patterns of production and consumption. This includes how goods and services are marketed, traded and paid for."

Linda Grasso on Twitter: "Digital economy goes beyond traditional ICT  sector and refers to broad range of economic activities that use digitized  infrastructure and knowledge as key factors of production or value

Intelligent Cities Enable the Digital Economy and Drive Growth — Huawei  Enterprise
Image credit - Huawei

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Fork in the Road for the Global Economy

I am writing a Case Study on Gig Workers in Malaysia. Part of the title of the case is also "A Fork in the Road." 

Definition from Internet:

"A fork in the road is a metaphor, based on a literal expression, for a deciding moment in life or history when choice of presented options is required and once chosen the choice cannot be reversed."
The link to the article from IMF Blog below:

3 ways to mitigate the pandemic impact:

i.    End health crisis.
ii.   Fight against economic crisis.
iii.  Support vulnerable countries.

Credit image - IMF Blog

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Malaysia's Decarbonisation Effort

GE launches world's largest gas turbine power plant in southern Malaysia. A 21-year agreement.

Image credit - NST

Gas Turbine. Image credit - Siemens Energy 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Airlines and The Pandemic Covid-19

Prof. Mankiw recommended the following article, written by Roger Lowenstein, published in Los Angeles Times, Jan. 3, 2021.

Aviation industry prepares for sweeping changes in post-pandemic travel |  Free to read | Financial Times

Image credit - Financial Times.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Services vs Manufacturing


"In fact, across all countries and years, “services” comprises about 20 percent of the occurrences of all terms, with tourism in particular getting more attention. “Agriculture” and “agricultural” are the second most frequently used terms, followed by “industry” and “industrial.” By contrast, “manufacturing” comes up only 2 to 5 percent of the time, depending on the income group (5 percent for advanced economies). “Manufacturing” appears even less often than terms such as “institutions,” “privatization,” and “infrastructure.”

Despite being affected heavily by the Covid-19 pandemic, services still take the center stage.

Image credit - IMF Blog

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Much Ado About Cambridge Moonflower

Is your moonflower the same as my moonflower? The link below from the BBC News ^_^

Image credit - BBC News Cambridge University Botanic Garden.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

China's Carbon Sink Area

The Nature Journal, as reported in BBC News, says China has two carbon sink forest areas that are underestimated. China's role is important in the fight against global climate impact.

Let us all have a small carbon sink mini garden in our backyard. I have done my part. 

Yunnan forest

The Carbon Sink Forest Area. Image credit - Getty Image. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Coexistence of Public and Private Money in Digital Space

A recent article in the IMF Blog, dated 18 February 2021. Excerpt from the Conclusion part below:

"A system for the ages

If and when countries move ahead with central bank digital currencies, they should consider how to leverage the private sector. Today’s dual-monetary system can be extended to the digital age. Central bank currency—along with regulation, supervision, and oversight—will continue to be essential to anchor stability and efficiency of the payment system. And privately-issued money can supplement this foundation with innovation and diversity—perhaps even more so than today. Where central banks decide to end up on the continuum between private-sector and public-sector involvement in the provision of money will vary by country, and ultimately depend on preferences, technology, and the efficiency of regulation."

Image result for public money digital money coexist
image credit - sefa ozel by getty images

Thursday, February 18, 2021

4 Advantages of Economic Crises

Certain things thrive under pressure. According to the article below, the four situations are (UK-based scenario):

1. More women working.

2.  Improvement in National Health Services.

3.  More people go to universities after recessions.

4.  Abandonment of inefficient out-of-date structures. Dotcom bubble and creative destruction.

Image credit - OurWorld in Data, CCBY

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

GameStop Phenomenon

Gamers game the Wall Street. Watch the video below (10.16 minutes). The Wolf of Wall Street. Inefficiency in the market.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021

The 5 Best Printers Review 2021

I was looking for a new, reasonably priced printer. Come across this page, with cost per print calculation.

Smallest monochrome laser printer. 
Image credit - Danial McKenna

Friday, February 12, 2021

Interesting Inforgraphic CV

I have the opportunity to organize an event with the global Shariah scholar Datuk Dr Mohd Daud Bakar (MDB). Below is his cv taken from his Biography site.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Covid's Long Shadow - IMF Blog


"But looking beyond the immediate aftermath, the risk of social unrest spikes in the longer term. Using information on the types of unrest, the IMF staff study focuses on the form that unrest typically takes after an epidemic. This analysis shows that, over time, the risk of riots and anti-government demonstrations rises. Furthermore, the study finds evidence of heightened risk of a major government crisis—an event that threatens to bring down the government and that typically occurs in the two years following a severe epidemic.

If history is a predictor, unrest may reemerge as the pandemic eases. The threats may be bigger where the crisis exposes or exacerbates pre-existing problems such as a lack of trust in institutions, poor governance, poverty, or inequality."

Image credit - AACSB International

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Biden's Policy and Higher Oil Prices


"Since the fall of 2018, oil prices have been in the $50 and $60 range; when the pandemic hit early last year, a lack of demand pushed prices down even further, at one point to under $20 in the spring. Since fall 2020, prices have risen modestly from the $40 range, almost back to 2019 levels of around $50 per barrel."

Oil Prices over the past 5 years. Image credit - Yahoo Finance

Friday, February 5, 2021

Exchange Rate Regimes - IMF eLibrary

A very useful outlook on the exchange rate arrangements. Quite dated since it was published in 2003, but useful nonetheless. I am thinking of similar analysis for moving towards sovereign digital currency.

Image credit - VOX, CEPR Policy Portal

Net Zero vs Carbon Neutral vs Carbon Negative vs Carbon Positive

 Net zero carbon to protect the environment. Please read the article below, taken from the IMF's Blog.

Image credit: World Economic Forum

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

'Feebates' Strategy


“Feebates”—fees on products with high emissions combined with rebates on products with low emissions—are recommended for sectors with high emissions. They could be especially useful to curb Denmark’s large agricultural emissions from the country’s huge number of farmed animals. Because feebates raise the costs of producers who farm unsustainably but reward them as they shift to sustainable farming, this program can deliver a fair low-carbon transition that preserves profitability and jobs.

By crafting an effective climate policy that protects the majority of people, Denmark’s strategy to make large cuts in its emissions could be more attainable."

Image Credit: World Green Building Council

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Go Games

Wanna play challenging abstract strategic board games?  'Go' is the Game. One of the oldest Board Games.

Read the article published in 2016. Man Against Google's AI. The match is 4-1. What I found most fascinating is the conclusion of the article excerpted below:

"...Lee went on to win the fourth game. AlphaGo regained its composure to win the fifth and take the match, 4–1. But that brief moment of unusual and effective strategizing by Lee demonstrated that the true value of artificial intelligence reaches far beyond the simplistic narrative of man versus machine. Instead, AI’s potential may be in teaching humans new ways of thinking for ourselves."

Image from Internet

Dark Factories

A 'Dark factory' is a fully automated facility where robots, AI-driven systems, and IoT devices handle all production processes. It ...